20 definitions by Vapor S. Thompson

Forget your bad day at work; Lets hit the bars and meet some ladies tonight.... Carpe PM !
by Vapor S. Thompson January 9, 2018
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The future of FaceBook as your news feed becomes more and more ads from companies and people selling things.
My Facebook feed is turning into BillboardBook. I miss the old days when people's status was filled with subversive rants; now it's just ads.
by Vapor S. Thompson August 30, 2012
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No, those are e-cigs, those guys are all vapers
by Vapor S. Thompson October 31, 2010
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Yeah, I did score this jacket for free from Johnny, but then he asked for it back; I guess it was an aboriginal acquisition.
by Vapor S. Thompson March 9, 2012
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ADV: All Day Vape. This is a term used by vapers to signify that an eliquid flavor is suitable to be vaped all day as your main flavor. Usually more sutle tobacco flavors and not really fruity ones.
Have you tried the new AppleWood Tobacco? It's my new ADV
by Vapor S. Thompson December 16, 2010
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A term used by vapers (users of electronic cigerettes). Refers to a nasty dry burning taste you can experience from having a dry atty (atomizer).
That last puff tasted a little dratty; do you have any e-liquid on you?
by Vapor S. Thompson October 31, 2010
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When company or family is coming over to your house so you buy a bunch of healthy food for your fridge so people think you live better then you actually do.
Do you really think John eats so many vegetables, or do you think he is fridge stacking?
by Vapor S. Thompson June 26, 2012
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