9 definitions by VIGOROUS JONESY

A turd is a person who is similiar to a nerd no ass getting cunnus. Usually he or she goes out and either stands around and stares at people like a serial killer or does vey uncool things.
Kevin was at a party and was dancing like a turd trying to break dance YESSSSSSSSSS.
by VIGOROUS JONESY December 25, 2007
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1. A person with low moral value and body odor.
2. A person who was abused most of his life and is ok withg it.
3. A person who is very cheap with his friends but will go broke tipping strippers because he thinks they will like him
4. Basically an overall neckbone
The Cunnus went to scores and got milked 4 thousands by CoCo the stripper.
by VIGOROUS JONESY January 16, 2007
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People who will whine about the weather.

Why bring up the obvious just because your miserable or nothing else to say.
Weather Whiners are Unvigorous and negative when they whine about the weather. too hot too cold its raining its snowing its sunny don't matter what they aint happy YESSSSSSSSSS.
by VIGOROUS JONESY October 27, 2009
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1. A constant whiner

2. A weak and pathetic individual

3. Overall useless pussy
Scott the TAMPON CHEWER who always whines about it being Monday or the weather should be bullied then given wedgies for being so sad and pathetic.
by VIGOROUS JONESY July 12, 2013
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The Yankturds are a bunch of whiny bandwagon jumpers with no loyalty whatsoever.
by VIGOROUS JONESY April 26, 2015
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The theory to suppress and feminize a society into a bunch of whining and highly offended pussies. Mainly effected are men who are confused on how it is to be an man. The goal is to pussify the masses so they are easily controlled
1.Civilized Pussification is making the United States weak and a laughing stock of the world.

2.Civilized Pussification causes men to whine, watch Glee, Brunch and pander to women.
by VIGOROUS JONESY February 20, 2015
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1. The movement to live and act with vigor and energy.
2. The state of mind that Vigorousity will make you a better person in everyday life. Positive thinking and always trying to better ones self.
3. The YESSSSSSSSSSS will start the way to Vigorousity.
Jonesy strives to live his life with vigorousity by headbutting NCC Turds who are non-believers!

The vigorousity Jonesy shows in the gym is just the beginning to make him a better person.
by VIGOROUS JONESY February 26, 2008
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