10 definitions by Tommy Vancouver

the highest level of bad ass you can achieve. it is damn near, but not completely, impossible to gain the status of the grizzly
by Tommy Vancouver August 22, 2009
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it's what British people call ass.

it's totally lame, and it's how you can tell that somebody is a tea drinking little bitch
Guy 1: You silly arse
Guy 2: Did you just call me an arse? What a fag
by Tommy Vancouver September 21, 2009
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a take on the term "Sick As A Dog"

with the recent outbreak of the H1N1 (swine flu) this term is a more relevant way of expressing how sick one is
Man 1: Man, I'm sick as a hog right now
Man 2: Don't come near me, I don't want to get the swine flu
by Tommy Vancouver October 8, 2009
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