18 definitions by Toad

A massive, mostly slick and wet shit.
Man, I drank so much beer last night, I have to take one hell of a Metnik this morning.
by Toad March 18, 2005
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A zit between dick/sack and ass hole. Usualy a white head. Broken down- pimple on grundle
Josh- "Ray i just whiped and it hurt so bacd"

Ray- "let me check it out"

Josh- (performs spread eagle)

Ray- "Dude you have a massive grimple"

Josh- "Pop that shit for me"

Ray- "No way theres a dingle berry on it"
by Toad December 13, 2004
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Being like Mr. Vining
He viningly took away 5 pts. from his homework assignment.
by Toad March 6, 2004
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in counter-strike a counter-terroroist would posses a kit to defuse a terrorist planted bomb
d00d u g07 4 k17?
(dude, you got a kit?)
by Toad October 26, 2004
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someone whos stupid, silly aword to call someone with out meaning it nasterly more a funny your stupid
yoyoyoyoyo wat up shouting "AYO"

another person says your RADGED you are!
by Toad October 10, 2003
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The Japanese artists who draw anime females seem to have a serious cat fetish. Seriously, just look at the female faces. Don't they look catlike? With the small noses, huge mouths, and big watery, cute, hypnotic eyes. Not that it matters though, since the babes have big, bouncing, perfect tits and sexy, curvacious asses to go with the faces, and cats are cool. God I wanna get me one of those girls to make my dick very happy :^))
Anime babes are fuckably HOT, too bad the male characters just don't know what they're missing by NOT fucking them already.
by Toad April 1, 2003
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She was last seen cheating on Mario with Bowser.
I'm still pissed off that Princess Peach used me as a punching bag in both Smash Brothers games.
by Toad October 28, 2003
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