19 definitions by ThunderMummy

The best bar food ever! Fried chicken wings basted in a hot sauce and served with a side of celery and bleu cheese. You dip the wings into the blue cheese and throw the celery on the floor. The best wings are from the Buffalo NY area and the farther you get away the greater likelihood that the wings will suck. Not that you can't get good wings in the rest of upstate NY or even Pittsburgh, Cleveland, and the Twin Tiers (NY/Pa border) but the real deal is in Buffalo. Douche bags claim that the shitty, rubberry, no taste wings one can find in chains like Hooter's and BW3's are good example of Buffalo Wings. The shittiest wings under red heat lamps in gas stations in the above mentioned areas are better than these shitty chain restaurant wings. Also, stupid motherfuckers dip their wings in ranch dressing. Why don't you just mosey on down to the Old Country Buffet, close your eyes and have them pump what leftover shit they have after the early bird special down your throat and top it off with a quart of Hidden Valley Ranch! Any douchebag that thinks ranch is a compliment to buffalo wings needs to be castrated with a shrimp fork. Note: you can't get good Buffalo wings in Chicago, Miami, and New York although residents there think you can. They have wings in Philly but nobody claims they're the best,and they don't eat wings in L.A. because they are assholes.
Dude, if they were that good they would be called NYC wings and not Buffalo wings, so take your pizza pie and cram it up your ass!
by ThunderMummy October 27, 2005
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Strange, odd and disconcerting person. Much like the food stuff that is a potato chip, but not really a potato chip
That new guy is a fucking pringle. I wouldn't be surprised if he has his whole family and a pack of squirrels buried under his crawl space.
by ThunderMummy October 28, 2005
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Acronym for But As Far As I Know It Sucks.
I have never been to Kansas but I'd bet my left nut it's bafaikis.
by ThunderMummy October 28, 2005
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Was like Czechoslovakia, that is before communism came to an end, and is now worse. Has nice parts but suffers from childish inferiority complex to Illinois. That is silly, because while Chicago is a fine town, the rest of Illinois is a wasteland.
Hey, it's Wisconsin. It like going to Czechoslovakia, we'll zip in we'll zip out.
by ThunderMummy October 28, 2005
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Slang for Tioga Point, the cofluence of the Susquehanna and Chemung Rivers. Holds much historical significance in early U.S. history but in modern times came to be associated with the (closed by police order)Tioga Point Inn. Also known as "the Point". A little backwater hellhole for NYC drug dealers to get/trade product and fuck fat chicks with bad hair.
I did my one stop shopping last night at the Point. I got drunk, laid, and herpes all by midnite! Have you seen my weed?
by ThunderMummy October 27, 2005
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Pure example of the power of marketing to people devoid of critical and independent thinking. Coffee chain whose business model is "what if we franchised the Death Star?" and sells millions of cups of coffee a year that tastes like it was brewed through the assholes of musty cadavers. Usually seen being consumed by soccer moms, overprivileged teenagers, and prissy douche bags who move into already gentrified urban heighborhoods but consider themselves edgy and courageous for living in the city. Just like you can get an elephant to fly if you strap a big enough jet engine on its back, Starbucks sells a shitload of coffee by forcing the idea that coffee should be expensive, shitty, and logoed to the above mentioned people.
I used to drink coffee for 60 cents a cup at my favorite diner but it was torn down to put in a Starbucks. If I wanted to drink that shit I'd microwave some rat turds in vinegar.
by ThunderMummy October 27, 2005
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