2 definitions by TheReal2_PAC

Is a person that posts themselves working out in the gym every single day on social media websites such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. These individuals mostly use Instagram to show off more then any other social media websites . In addition to that these people use the hashtags #FitLife #GYMFLOW and #STEROIDS.
That guy Alex is a big Exercise THOT, all he posts on Instagram is him working out.

Carly is a Exercise THOT, all he does is posts pictures of himself working out #steroids

If you follow @Thereal_BobCarley he is a big ass Exercise THOT on Instagram .
by TheReal2_PAC June 11, 2014
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Haitian Growth Hormone very similar to Human Growth Hormone, however only Haitian people have access to this special version.
That Haitian guy over there is on HGH Haitian Growth Hormone.

That Haitian guy in the gym was skinny as shit last week, Now he is big as F***, he's on that HGH Haitian Growth Hormone.

That Haitian guy Jed takes HGH
by TheReal2_PAC June 11, 2014
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