3 definitions by The president of Loffey

A special type of snout rolled by Danny Methhead himself consisting of the finest riverstone bacci that has been matured for 1000s of years to perfection.
Person 1: “look Danny’s rolling another snout!”
Person 2: “no way I’ve never seen w Danny snout in person before”
Person 1: “you’re very lucky to experience a Danny snout, I’ve heard they’re made with the finest riverstone bacci!”
by The president of Loffey June 23, 2021
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A phrase used to swear on something and saying you’re not chatting shit
“I hit a 5G cone yesterday” “no way put that on your plums” “plums life g”
by The president of Loffey April 28, 2021
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A joint that consists of mostly bacci and is basically a glorified cigarette, it can also be called a box mod.
Person 1: Look Mark is smoking another bacci log
Person 2: He just loves his bacci logs doesn’t he
Person 1: He really need to get of the bacci that Mark does
by The president of Loffey June 22, 2021
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