8 definitions by The man with the golden gun

Where someone will approve of something seemingly stupid but not approve of something possibly better. Similar to a double standard.
Clint: So you like my platypus joke, but the mexican police joke is going too far? That's urban bias at its finest.
by The man with the golden gun February 1, 2013
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Someone who builds things up only to knock them down at a later time.
After Toby put down the girl he was talking to, I was ready to knock that Mason clean out.

My son always destroys his lego, he's going to be a Mason real soon.
by The man with the golden gun January 13, 2013
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Roger Moore's good looks, charm, and wit made him a natural for stardom. A worldwide star before being cast as Bond, Moore's easy sense of grace and savoir-faire brought the cinematic 007 unparalleled success in the 1970s and 80s. A real life tough guy who performed all his fist fights himself, without aid of lookalike stuntmen or sped-ups. He once beat up legendary Lee Marvin while they were filming Shout at the devil (1976). Marvin recalled, "The guy is built like granite. Nobody will ever underestimate him again." By the time Moore retired from the role of James Bond in 1985, he had redefined the character of Bond and brought in over one billion dollars in worldwide box office.
By the time I'm out the door,
You tear men down like Roger Moore
- Amy Winehouse, "You Know I'm No Good"
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The date when a product might lose taste but won't poison you after you eat it.
Guy 1: We gotta throw out the cake
Guy 2: Dude, it's two days past the best before, it won't kill you.
by The man with the golden gun January 13, 2013
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The study of melons, or people named Mel.
Randy: Melonology?!
Brad: The study of melons...

Jill: That's not a word, Tim.
Tim: Melonology, the study of guys named Mel.
by The man with the golden gun February 27, 2014
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Every comedian's favourite suburb to put-down.
Julian: What about you love where are you from. Wait, let me guess, Frankston?

Chas: I had to do a gig in Adelaide the other day. Man it's like Frankston with churches!
by The man with the golden gun January 17, 2013
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If you give up, they win.
Leonidas: SPARTA WILL BURN IF WE GIVE UP, that's rule 300 bitches!
by The man with the golden gun August 20, 2013
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