12 definitions by The Ravenclaw Seeker

One of two things which happens when you're playing Quidditch:

1. In the middle of intercourse, the male withdraws for a few minutes to perform vigorous oral sex on the female (going down hard and fast...), and then continues intercourse (...and pulling back up).

2. In the middle of any sex act, a female signals to the male that she is ready to catch the snitch (by moaning, saying "here it comes!", et cetera) before she actually is. This tactic is used to end a Quidditch match early, without hurting the other player's feelings. It's intention is to inspire the male to "follow" the girl, looking for his own Snitch, and ending the match under the assumption that the female did too.


Neither of these is to be confused with the Wronski Defensive Feint, a move performed in the Harry Potter books.
1. Viktor Krum performed the Wronski Feint on Hermione during their tryst on the first night of Easter vacation

2. Jack was a good friend of Sarah's, so she performed the Wronski Feint when Jack wasn't getting her off. They remained friends to this day.
by The Ravenclaw Seeker March 4, 2005
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1. The entire act of masturbation

2. The entire act of sex with a partner.
1. beating bludgers is one facet of playing Quidditch.

2. I just got finished playing Quidditch with Melissa; she said she caught the snitch, but I still think she pulled a wronski feint on me.
by The Ravenclaw Seeker March 4, 2005
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1. To masturbate (males only).
2. What you do in order to catch the snitch.

In Quidditch (of the Harry Potter fame), the "bludgers" are two 10-inch iron balls which are enchanted to attack the living thing closest to it. The job of the beaters is to take a magically-reinforced bat and whack the bludgers as far away from their team as possible (so it would recognize an opponent as being closest and go after them). Over time, the blatant implied innuendo became commonplace slang, and the Quidditch act of whacking two oversized balls with a "magically-reinforced bat" named "beating the bludgers" was applied elsewhere.
The Ravenclaw Seeker beats his bludgers many times a day, hoping to catch the snitch.
by The Ravenclaw Seeker June 11, 2004
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