13 definitions by The Original Slim Bavis

When anything starts off on a really good note, be it a movie series, musical career or relationship and ends horribly. Obviously, Star Wars Episodes 1-3 come to mind as does AMG's sophmore effort "Ballin' Outta Control." Seriously, who greenlights such horseshit. C'mon, "hold me like you did on Naboo." I said that shit to my girlfriend way back in '88.
Slim: It wasn't the break up that really sucked or the months of mourning and self loathing that took their toll.
Dr. Smith: Go on Slim, this is safe place.
Slim: Well, I guess, Doc, it was when I found out that my ex was now eating more pussy than me that my life George Lucasized.
by The Original Slim Bavis December 31, 2005
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The rather thick, obnoxious air that surrounds many drivers in the Bay Area, Denver CO, Iowa City IA and other artsy-fartsy, lefty, namby-pamby cities where people drive Toyota Prius Hybrid vehicles and think they are doing their part to save the world while in reality they are just dumb.
Slim: "Hey man, it's a beautiful day out here, thanks for inviting me to the Giants/Cubs game. I've never been to the new ball park. But something in the air just doesn't feel right."

Colonel: "Shut up, douche bag you're ruining my driving experience!"

Slim: "Sorry, bro, it's pretty hard to breathe with this giant smug cloud surrounding your head!" (thanks for this one, Colonel- I know I completely stole it from you)
by The Original Slim Bavis April 1, 2009
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Any individual who uses philosophical debate to persuade someone to sumbit to anal sex. The individual can then perform the "pink sock" manuver wherein the sides of the posterior are struck while something is inserted into the anus. This causes the anus to spasm and "attach" itself to the inserted item. The item is then rapidly removed from the anus causing the rectal lining to be pulled out with it. Hilarity ensues when the item is covered with a nice, new "pink sock".
Yo, man, Salty is the new Pink Socrates. That guy ass-banged two chicks last night and totally pink socked them. Jaime Smith and Darren's mom aren't going to be shitting right for weeks!
by The Original Slim Bavis October 27, 2004
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A phrase to be implemented, usually from one bloke to another, when a man can overcome the suspect defenses of a witless woman and cajole her into coitus.
Shawn: "Hey man did you make any headway with that Potbelly cashier?"
Slim: "Headway? I totally banged her. It's rather hard for a deaf woman to hear an assassin coming."
by The Original Slim Bavis April 1, 2005
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A frequently occurring event wherein, something is inserted into the vagina (a finger, a tongue, a GI Joe doll, etc.) and something else is lost on the way out (a ring, a condom, a fake mustache, Snake Eyes' kick ass Uzi, etc.).
Damn, Civilian, I was finger-banging Kalea last night and I pulled a sub-ham, minus-ham and lost my class ring. I hope Jostens refunds my money, yo, that shit had the Chandler High wolf on it!
by The Original Slim Bavis October 27, 2004
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Anytime one thing is replaced with another. Originally invented as an April Fool's Day prank. Water can be removed from any container that holds it and replaced with gin, vodka or any other clear spirit. An unsuspecting person will pour a glass and drink it down. Hopefully that person will spit it out all over their large, heaving breasts or at least go to work at a pet store completely shit-faced.
Customer: "I think that salesperson is drunk!"
Store Mananger: "It's okay miss. His roommate put Gin in the Brita."
Customer: "Wow, Gin in the Brita. Gin in the Brita? Gin in the Brita is a fucked up idea!"
Store Manager: "By Jim!"
by The Original Slim Bavis April 1, 2005
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Any person that adds a new definition to a word in urban dictionary that is the exact same as or is a close approximation of the definitions already there. This can also be a person that decides to give a thumbs up to the myriad un-original entries and definitions in UD while over-looking the genius creations of The Original Slim Bavis.
Slim: Yo, that guy is a complete jackass. He posted a definition of pink sock. The one right before it is the EXACT same.
Dan: What a douche.
Salty: A complete jackass. And, he liked "put it a dually" more than "chicken pants."
Dan: Complete jackass.
by The Original Slim Bavis December 23, 2008
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