49 definitions by The Happy Humanist

Anal sex is a sexual practice which is sexually appealing to only 1% of American women according to the most comprehensive survey by the Social Organization of Sexuality.

(Edward O. Laumann, John H. Gagnon, Robert T. Michael, Stuart Michaels. The social organization
of sexuality: Sexual practices in the United States. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.)
The elderly porn addicts and 11-year-old boys who experience their first outbreak of acne and have commented on anal sex so far may find it difficult to differentiate between actual behavior and the sexual world portrayed in pornography.

While anal sex appears in 55.9% of all scenes in best-selling pornography -- see Robert Wosnitzer et al., 2006, "Aggression and Sexual Behavior in Best-Selling Pornography: A Content Analysis"-- and the woman is shown to "enjoy" it, it is important to understand that if they are every lucky enough to have consensual sex with a real woman chances are she will beat them to a bloody pulp if they ever try to manipulate her into letting them penetrate her anus.
by The Happy Humanist July 28, 2010
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The center of the nervous system in all female vertebrate animals.

The human female encephalon is a powerful tool which is responsible for the fact that women have been outperforming men at all stages of secondary and post-secondary education (i.e., "high school" and "college") in all G8 and OECD countries (e.g., PISA 2001).

In their fixation on size, the vast majority of males try to justify their unfounded feelings of superiority by comparing brain sizes.

However, it takes more than a Second Grade education to know that it is the ratio of brain weight to body weight which presents a correlation to intelligence rather than the brain weight itself. Ergo: Men's bodies are proportionately larger and hence so are their brains, hands, feet, arms, etc. But it is the ratio of brain weight and body weight which may or may not predict intelligence, not brain weight.

Moreover, while the human male brain is larger on average, the processing centers in the human female brain are more closely interconnected due to a larger corpus callosum.
If the other definition of "female brain" is indicative of men's intelligence, men deserve all the help from educated women they can get.
by The Happy Humanist August 10, 2010
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"One of the newer marketing ploys in pornography is called "ass to mouth" ("ass to mouth"), where the male performer anally penetrates a woman and then sticks his penis into her mouth, often joking about her having to eat shit. In this pornography the code of debasement is most stark. There is no apparent increase in male sexual pleasure by moving directly from the anus to the mouth outside of the humiliation that the woman must endure."

(Robert Wosnitzer et al, 2006, "Aggression and Sexual Behavior in Best-Selling Pornography: A Content Analysis", p. 23)
Men who enjoy the suffering and humiliation of women (="a2m"), are diagnosed with paraphilia ("sexual deviancy" in scientific terms) according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders by the American Psychiatric Association and the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems by the World Health Organization.
by The Happy Humanist July 27, 2010
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A society where

- men have a disproportionate share of political, economic, and social power;

- men control all systems of representation (religion, "media," literature, etc.) and use them to depict the world from their point of view and marginalize women;

- there are widely shared cultural beliefs that men are more socially valued and more competent than women at most things (e.g., Michael Conway et al., 1996; David Wagner and Joseph Berger, 1997; John Williams and Deborah Best, 1990; and Susan Fiske et al., 2002);

- women are the primary targets of gender violence and men are the primary perpetrators of gender violence;

All societies are, and always have been, patriarchies.

Those who are uneducated, miseducated, or "masculinists" = "advocates of male superiority or dominance" (Merriam Webster Dictionary Online) should at least TRY to comprehend this simple truth about the great evil aka patriarchy.
by The Happy Humanist November 19, 2010
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"femmetard" = "feminist retard"

A term created by men who habitually confuse their "brain" with their anus.

Feminism is "the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes" (Merriam Webster Dictionary).

However, this is not quite grasped by those who insist against all logic and decency that feminism is the "singular most ridiculous ideology to ever be contrived by the human mind." Those depraved men demand that the "feminist retards" who fight for the equality of the sexes be sent to reeducation camps. They also argue that it is white men who are "oppressed" while women and minorities are "privileged."

Since these men never finished high school it is no surprise that their ruminations are too moronic for anyone without brain damage.
1.) Feminists fight for the rights of those who are and always have been systematically disadvantaged: women, ethnic minorities, and LGBT people.

2.) There are and never have been "superior rights" for women. In fact, in the US, women have been recognized as actual human beings and granted essential human rights like right to vote, own property, and receive an education only in the 19th and 20th century.

3.) Feminists are very well aware of the fact that there are physical differences between women and men (e.g., physical strength, child bearing ability, etc.).

4.) According to the U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics (1999, 2004) 99% of rapists are men, 90% of murderers are men and the vast majority of perpetrators of gender violence are men. According to the FBI (1995, Uniform crime reports) "unfounded reports of rape are rare, occurring only 2-8% of the time."

5.) According to the American Psychiatric Association (DSM-IV, 2000) and any biology book, men are not only more aggressive than women but also more anti-social, sadistic, and narcissistic.

6.) Women are "strong" enough to lead countries AND avoid starting wars.

7.) Normal people (e.g., feminists) will not object to "bikini calenders" at work if employers makes sure to provide just as many "naked men calenders" at work.

Anyone who is too obtuse to grasp this and uses the word "femmetard" should go back to cuddling his momma's underwear and get an education real quick.
by The Happy Humanist July 21, 2010
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1. An evil act of desecration and contempt for the woman involved and, by extension, all women.

2. Just like rape, it is an act which is primarily motivated by hostility towards women and the need to control women and it becomes a way to compensate for the viewer or the perpetrator's underlying feelings of inadequacy and feeds his issues of mastery, control, strength, authority and capability (e.g., David Lisak & Susan Roth 1998).

3. Men who enjoy watching or performing "bukkake" are diagnosed with paraphilia ("sexual deviancy" in scientific terms) according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders by the American Psychiatric Association as paraphilia is the "recurrent, intense sexually arousing fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviors generally involving... the suffering or humiliation of one's partner" (DSM-IV, 2000).
I certainly wouldn’t want to be judgemental about the lifestyle or recreational activities of the men who have posted on this subject thus far, but as a clinical psychologist I can only advise them to seek psychiatric help as soon as possible because paraphilia is more than a personality quirk.

Moreover, there are some people from the FCC and the FBI have an invested interest in paraphilics as one form of sexual deviancy tends to lead to another and several studies confirm that men who enjoy watching "bukkake" have an elevated risk of engaging in sexually coercive behavior.
by The Happy Humanist July 26, 2010
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An expression of men's infinite hatred of women.

This is not a "sexual" act; it is an act which is intended to degrade, debase, and humiliate the woman who has to endure it.

Women who watch this act, report sensations similar of trauma survivors. What happens to the women who actually have to endure it, is too frightening to consider.

Of course, this means nothing to the depraved "men" who generate the demand for this form of degenerate "entertainment."
Several studies confirm that degrading and dehumanizing pornography ("bukkake" being seen as the epitome of degradation)

- increases the incidence and acceptance of rape myths
- decreases sensitivity to the suffering of rape victims
- decreases the acceptance of violence against and degradation of women
- increases sexual callousness
-increases male willingness to rape

See for instance:

Allen et al., 2006; Vega & Malamuth 2007; Kingston et al., 2007; Perrin et al,, 2008; Carroll et al., 2008; Bonino et al., 2006; Carr & VanDEusen, 2004; George, Dermen & Nachajski, 1989; Norris, 1989; Norris & Kerr, 1993 etc.
by The Happy Humanist July 27, 2010
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