4 definitions by The Ghief 3

A grammatical point-of-view most commonly used in college dorm rooms, whereby the speaker (i) adopts the fictional persona of another party who exists in a separate context (e.g., a video game), and subsequently (ii) refers to himself or herself outside of such separate context, using the third-person point-of-view.
An example of proper usage of the Seventh Person form follows:

"Kong is going to the fridge to grab another beer. Does Yoshi need anything?"
by The Ghief 3 March 25, 2013
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An exotic dancing technique where the stripper ascends and descends the pole by alternatively clenching and unclenching her buttocks.
Guy 1: "Wanna head to the Spearmint Rhino tonight?"

Guy 2: "Nah bro, let's go to the Werk Shop. They've got this new dancer there, Ryobi Stihl. She's famous for her Ratchet Twerk.
by The Ghief 3 April 20, 2017
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Latin for: "We have a Pope."

Some scholars maintain that the term is an abbreviation of the phrase "Habemus Papam'n'lockem" which, in the original Latin, meant: "We have a Pope...who knows how to boogie."
After only four sessions at conclave, the college of Cardinals could proudly proclaim, "Habemus Papam!"
by The Ghief 3 March 16, 2013
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Guy 1: "Dude, are you a fan of The Ramones?"

Guy 2 Shuddering: " Nah, bro. Those guys give me the ceebie jeebies."
by The Ghief 3 April 20, 2017
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