67 definitions by The Dude

n. 1. The state of receiving the utmost enjoyment from foreign influences by successfully equalizing all levels of intoxicants in one's system. 2. The title of an awesome album by the band Facemaker, check them out at www.facemaker.org
Last weekend we strove for maximum funness and finally peaked after the two forties we picked up on the way home from the show.
by The Dude January 20, 2005
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when a so-called "friend" niehbor makes their grandkids come out and scream fictional stuff about the niehbor's kids
"fuck i still see that cruel niehbor is at it again"
by The Dude April 29, 2004
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Diesel Boys are chauchies who wear the Diesel brand of clothing. These guys think that they are bad-ass in their $100 t-shirts and jeans that look like they came from the girls' rack. You can often spot Diesel Boys dressed in everything Diesel from a toquw or hat to a wrinkled shirt (it's supposed to look like that) with fake spray paint all over it, to jeans that you swear you've seen your sister wearing, to the shoes. You will often see Diesel Boys in their natural habitats of clubs. They usually travel in packs attempting to pick up chicks with too much make up. See also ass pirate
Diesel Boy: "Hey watch it these jeans cost $150!"
Normal Person: "Fuck off Diesel Boy!"

"Whoa that guy dresses like a homosexual!"
"No that's just a Diesel Boy."
by The Dude February 5, 2005
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not being very relaxed or not laid-back; stressed
You're being very un-dude.
by The Dude December 17, 2003
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Fapie is a derivative of the word fape. It has two meanings: 1. the state of being faped; 2. pronoun used as the second word in a two-noun phrase.
1. That dude was getting his fapie on.
2. Consider "Overlook Cafe," which becomes "OverlookFapie" under this pronoun convention
by The Dude December 7, 2004
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An amazing rap group. They're straight out of Flint, Michigan. Check 'em out.
"Shadow," "Ghetto," and "Blood Bath" are some of their dopest beats.
Dayton Family drops madd beats, motherfucker.
by The Dude June 17, 2004
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A form of ladyscaping where the pubic hair is trimmed to resemble a mustache. Also looks like a horizontal landing strip.
Dude, check out the chicks vagstache.
Charlie Chaplins upper lip looks like my upper lips.
by The Dude March 2, 2012
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