8 definitions by Tain London

Term used to stir up trouble and create a tension that may not have previously existed.
Rich: "Like my new haricut Vic?"

Vic: "It's definitely different Rich!"

Mart: "Oh shit!"
by Tain London April 3, 2009
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The phenomenon that, no matter how good something is, if you mix it with something bad for long enough, you'll eventually associate it negatively.

Derived from how great air freshener smells in the store, but by the time you've used it to cover up 20 odd poops in the bathroom, you'll forever associate the smell with poop and will hate it.
Jane: Hey Laura, where are them fantastic shoes you bought a few months back?

Laura: Yeah they succumbed to the Bathroom Air Freshener Phenomenom. I wore them round Stu's house too many times. Now when I look at them they look sad and pathetic, so I dumped them when I dumped him.


Her: Didn't you used to like Love Actually?

Him: Yeah but after watching The Walking Dead 3 seasons too long, I now can't look at Andrew Lincoln without hearing that goddam accent.
by Tain London December 25, 2022
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The stale leftover beer in the pint glasses of the local pub, collected up and put back into the barrel to resell the next day.

Many moon ago in yesteryear, when local publicans at your nearest watering hole were less honest than a Politician on polling day, pubs in the UK used to only serve up foul mess labelled lager - not your craft wonders and fruity ales of today's youthful world.

To put money back in the till at the end of a torrid evening of sales, the landlord of public houses would collect up the 'slops' left at the bottom of everyone's beer glasses and return this stale beer back to the barrel.

As most people would be only drinking a choice of 2 lagers, it didn't really matter what barrel they went back into, nor that they made the beer taste rancid. As they never cleaned the beer lines, you couldn't tell if it was that making the beer rank, or the slops from old Coughy Jack's leftovers being the cause for the slightly chewy beverages.
Dave: 'Err Mike, does your pint taste rank there mate?'

Mike: 'That swine landlord been filling the barrel with slops again. Think I've got one of coughy Jack's teeth floating about from his pint last night!'
by Tain London May 20, 2021
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When you use toilet paper that is too thin and your finger unfortunately breaks the paper, resulting in a golden deposit on your finger.
Kev's had the hump all day after getting goldfinger in the toilet earlier. His finger stinks!
by Tain London April 25, 2008
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An expression of disappointment, usually associated with wanting to do something bad but knowing that it's the wrong choice.

The more o's tapped to the end, the more disappointed you are.
Dawn: 'I could go for a slab of that chocolate fudge triple stack lard cake'
Emma: 'Didn't you say you were on a diet?'
Dawn: 'Yeah, guess I shouldn't then. Meoo :('

Dave: 'You coming pub tonight Mike?'
Mike: 'Damn right I am'
Neil: 'Didn't you say your in-laws were coming over for dinner tonight?'
Mike: 'Ah shizzle, yeah. No pub. Meoooooooo' (followed by tears)
by Tain London October 6, 2014
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To take a section of text and edit it as a method of insulting someone.
Wow Rich just done Kev with that text chop of Bush's speach on homosexuality.
by Tain London June 1, 2007
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To take a section of text and edit it as a method of insulting someone.
Wow Rich just done Kev with that text chop of Bush's speach about the Navy.
by Tain London June 22, 2007
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