25 definitions by Taco

To slap a guy showing little respect for him. The guy getting bitch slapped gets owned.
just bitch slap that fucker!!!
by Taco February 24, 2005
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Mood that one is in.
God your wearing a red shirt on a monday, your butter must be stale.
by Taco December 26, 2005
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also Known as TonKpilS

Possibly one of the most undefinable Metal Bands of its time

A Band of 9 Different people specializing in Different Edges of Music

Utilizing 2 DJs 2 Special Percussionists, 1 Bassist, 2 Guitarists, 1 Drummer, and 1 Lead Singer they form the 2nd most talked about concerts world wide. Although only releasing 4 albums total and splitting up after 8 years (still approx. 1 yr left) they will go down in history as legends and will be missed.

SlipKnoT is commonly defined as Thrash Metal, Hate Metal, or Death Metal. Although they are not gothic, they do not create songs by how they feel they create songs that sound good and will ultimately sound the best
SlipKnoT fan: SLIPKNOT 0WNZ J00 F00!

by Taco April 18, 2004
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Java: I R Teh Jahvah `-`
by Taco April 18, 2004
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