26 definitions by Super Gerbil

A game often enjoyed by well meaning kids. Often encouraged by sadistic gym teachers in a disguised effort to punish the students that they don't like.
Little Bobby likes playing dodgeball, but not at school where the coach puts all the big kids on one team.
by Super Gerbil December 19, 2003
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The length of the pole which is sometimes used to touch unsightly or repugnant objects and/or people
Bubba: I wouldnt touch that girl with a 10 foot pole.

Fred: Youre right Bubba. 10 feet aint a big enough distance. Them cooties she's got can jump further than that.
by Super Gerbil June 28, 2004
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About four grams of fun.
Johnny showed up at the party with six 8 balls of meth. He kept one and shared it with everyone. His girlfirend took one and halved it with his brother. She then swiped a whole one for her friend. His depressed and jobless friend Bob then begged him out of one, he sold one to a guy who would pay him Thursday when he got a job, and he lost two in a poker bet. How bad is Johnny screwed?
by Super Gerbil September 7, 2003
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1) A phrase often uttered by someone to their physically perfect girl/boy friend. Usually said to convey the idea that you enjoy them for their brains and intellect when the only thing you're really attracted to is their body and voracious sexual appetite.

2) A phrase often uttered by someone to their unattractive and/or extremely rich boy/girl friend. Often said to falsely lead the other partner into thinking that you like them for "who they are" and not for their money or voracious sexual appetite.
1)Highly unintelligent beautiful woman: What do you see in me? I mean, your a rocket scientist and I'm just a cashier at McDonalds.
Remarkably Handsome Smart Guy: I like you for who you are darling.

2)Grotesquely Obese Diabetic Millionaire Man: What do you see in me? Im just a fat man who cant even fit in a car to take you out to dinner.
Gold Digging Woman: Awwww, dont say that. I like you for who you are.
by Super Gerbil May 27, 2004
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1) An exclamation, usually one of amazement

2) Feces that are considered to be either worthy of reverence, associated with divine powers, or spiritually clean
1) Holy shit! No one understands satire these days!

2) After an incident involving a misguided but well intentioned church cleaning lady, only the church's highest Priest is now allowed access to the sacred pile of holy shit.
by Super Gerbil July 9, 2004
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Little known defense in the game of "rock, scissors, paper". It is made by aiming the open palm of your hand at your opponent and curling the fingers to represent claws. The defense of tiger hand beats paper, but is defeated by both rock (which crushes tiger hand) and scissors (which stab tiger hand).
by Super Gerbil July 15, 2004
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A militant off-shoot of the animal activist group, PETA.
Dr. Johnson was quite upset after the PETA Force broke into his lab and took Mr. Jingles the chimp as their hostage.
by Super Gerbil September 7, 2004
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