40 definitions by Sunflowerbae!!

top 0 smartest people in the world (cuz 0 is higher than 1)
by Sunflowerbae!! March 1, 2023
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Deepika is a wonderful human being that always thinks the best for the people she cares and loves.

Deepika doesn't take shit from stupid assholes. Once she's done, she is done honey !

She can never be mean to someone until and unless they're too close to her to understand where she's coming from.

She's is straight forward and unapologetically loving and caring human you will ever come across
Oh look!! She's just so DEEPIKA!!!
by Sunflowerbae!! August 24, 2023
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The girl named deepika is a ever green girl .. always positive .. although introverty she is comfortable with anyone close to her . She prefers to spend her time alone in bed and laze around . She has big dreams . She is lovable and anyone can get attracted to her anytime . quiet and shy are her personalities . She loves to listen to others and doesn't make the other person uncomfortable . She doesn't reply much but her heart is filled with hundreds of emotions to you . She can easily get a love with little effort .

She is magnificent and Sweetest .
Deepika is the one everyone adores to have .
Deepika is a great friend .
by Sunflowerbae!! February 8, 2023
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Deepika- A Deepika is a very annoying yet surprisingly pleasant creature to be around. In their natural habitat, a Deepika would avoid conversations or atleast nice conversations and choose to be hostile to whoever approaches. But research suggests that under the influence of an alcoholic entity the Deepika tends to have a change in their personality. In an effort to mark territory, it seems to squeeze butts and laugh like an idiot. A very odd but rare creature. If you get to see one, don't let it get away. You'll hate yourself and prolly kill yourself but you won't regret it. Also, a Deepika will often break into its mating call whenever it spots a Vivek. ;))
Deepika- Abey, ek number maal hai Deepika.
by Sunflowerbae!! August 21, 2023
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Unnati is a really pretty girl .She is funny and the coolest kid in town .She hates boys and loves the colour black she is truthful and thrusting She is modest .She loves football and basketball
by Sunflowerbae!! August 20, 2023
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Deepika is the most loyal friend, but only to the 5 that she has. she doesn't seem to give a crap most of the time but actually cares way too much. she keeps deleting snapchat, but when she does snap you its only of her forehead. you can talk to her for hours without getting bored and she makes you feel good about yourself, while she feels like crap about herself for no reason whatsoever. she sings like an angel but wants to have the rep of a devil. she is curva-frickin-licious, but claims she has 20/20 vision while calling herself ugly and fat. she is probably the best friend you could have but you'll probably hate her before you love her.
she's acting like such a deepika, ew
by Sunflowerbae!! August 19, 2023
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Dee or Deepika is a south Indian female with a very very large schnozzle(nose) and a gigantic forehead. This beast is 5'2 and has extremely large feet with dirty toenails. This beast tends to keep their toenails long to use them during combat. This person has advanced mental disorders yet to be discovered by science. It is advisable to hide all males in a 1 km radius, because this beast will hunt any nearby males out of sheer sexual depravity.

Person 1: Yo, that girl last night was a Deepika.

Person 2: Yeah bro, stay away from her. Her nose could poke your eye out.

Tariq: why you talking about my girl fam? I almost love her as much as my s13.
by Sunflowerbae!! August 13, 2023
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