56 definitions by Submitters of Words

An argument for the existence of God that is ultimately self-refuting.
It states that the universe must have had a beginning because "infinity cannot exist in reality", but then how can God exist?
There are many additional reasons why the Kalam Cosmological Argument fails miserably. Just look them up on the Web if you're interested.
by Submitters of Words June 26, 2011
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Someone who has only slept with prostitutes. Probably suffers from a lot of social anxiety/social isolation. Not necessarily ugly/fat. Often lives a sheltered existence. In said person's desperation, he sometimes seeks the companionship/instant gratification of hookers.

May as well be a virgin.
Tim has paid for sex but has never had sex with a real girl before.

Tim is a de facto virgin.
by Submitters of Words March 27, 2017
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People who tend to have black and white opinions on nearly every issue in the universe. Don't realize the importance of situational ethics. This is most likely the result of a fundamentalist religious upbringing.
A nine year old girl, tragically, is raped and impregnated by her stepfather. What to do? According to the religious absolutist, abortion is, under all circumstances, 100% wrong. Unless the birth is life-threatening, she can't abort.

Moderates: I don't normally support abortion, but here it's necessary.

Liberals: I think abortion is a right that belongs to the mother. I would support her right to choose if this girl was nine or twenty nine, raped or non-raped. (although i would personally disapprove of it in the latter).

Conservatives: Fucking baby killers! It's an innocent fucking BABY we're talking about!
(as opposed to a non-sentient cluster of cells, lacking a nervous system and the ability to feel pain)
by Submitters of Words June 14, 2011
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People who tend to have black and white opinions on nearly every issue in the universe. Don't realize the importance of situational ethics. This is most likely the result of a fundamentalist religious upbringing.
A nine year old girl, tragically, is raped and impregnated by her stepfather. What to do? According to the religious absolutist, abortion is, under all circumstances, 100% wrong. Unless the birth is life-threatening, she can't abort.

Moderate: I don't normally support abortion, but here it's necessary.
Liberal: I think abortion is a right that belongs to the mother. I would support her right to choose if this girl was nine or twenty nine, raped or non-raped. (although i would personally disapprove of it in the latter).
Conservative: Fucking baby killers! It's an innocent fucking BABY we're talking about!
(as opposed to a non-sentient cluster of cells, lacking a nervous system and the ability to feel pain)
by Submitters of Words June 14, 2011
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A person who lacks a belief in the existence of Santa

Most people above the ages of 6 or 7 years old, basically.
Most people are by default asantas, although I've met a few who believed well into their high school years!
by Submitters of Words April 1, 2011
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A word that, unfortunately, is now most often used as a euphemism for fat by heavy chicks. Which is a shame since a truly thick woman is undoubtedly a beautiful sight.
Sarah: "So what if I tipped the scale this week? I'm thick, that's all!"
Sarah is 300 pounds...
by Submitters of Words June 27, 2011
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