56 definitions by Submitters of Words

Contrary to popular conservative belief, political correctness is not a solely left-wing phenomenon.
politically correct (conservative)

Examples of conservative correctness:

frankfurters became "hot dogs" during world war I

french fries became freedom fries in 2003

David Horowitz's "Academic Bill of Rights"

attempts to "teach the controversy" by creationists in biology courses, and global warming deniers in environmental science courses

Any number of campaigns against plays or films, such as Life of Brian or Jesus Christ Superstar, on the grounds that they are "offensive to Christians;" conservative Catholic groups are particularly fond of this tactic

Encouragement of anti-gay activists to eschew the words "gay" and "homosexual" in favor of such phrases as "unnatural vice" and "anti-Christian"

Global warming deniers whining about being called "deniers." They prefer the term "skeptic."

"Enhanced interrogation techniques"

"Homicide bombing"

Atheist billboards are seen as insensitive to Christians.

Republicans changing the names of committees in the House of Representatives to change "labor" to "workforce" and remove any mention of "civil rights"

Free speech zones

The Dixie Chicks causing controversy by criticizing George Bush

ward churchill getting blasted to high heavens for insulting innocent americans (although this was definitely justified)

The whole fox news "war on christmas" nonsense

are just as PC as liberals!
by Submitters of Words June 10, 2011
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Someone who has the guts to stand up to and criticize some aspects of religion, which for some reason or another remains a complete taboo in our society.
Notice how critics of capitalism aren't called "angry socialists", critics of modern liberalism aren't (or at least shouldn't be) called angry conservatives, etc.
Whenever someone deals with religion, however, he must don kid gloves.
Of course, there will always be those immature twats who take it to the extreme- i admit Brian Flemming is probably one of them. But you still shouldn't discount every one of their messages - keep an open mind! (though not too much so)
It should be noted that the vast majority of religion-critics don't "hate" religion - they're just tired of its near-immunity to criticism and debate.
Outside of religion, cutting off a baby boy's foreskin is most often seen as despicable and wrong. But once the protective shelter of faith is granted, it becomes a taboo to say anything about it.
Another example: the drug peyote is normally illegal, but some native americans out west are allowed to use it for one of their religious rituals - also, voodoo worshippers of a certain haitian-american sect are allowed to sacrifice certain animals (i'm not making this up)
It's weird how the moment the "faith" cover is given, a person's actions are suddenly almost off limits. Somehow, we've just agreed as a society that that's how we should work. And anyone who questions this norm is quickly labeled an "angry atheist".

Odd, don't ya think?
by Submitters of Words May 23, 2011
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Weird, obnoxious folks who find it suitable to blame almost 100% of the world's problems on "them jews".
They don't realize that while, yes, many Jews do indeed fulfill the stereotype of "greedy penny pinchers" ( I should know, i'm a jew and i live around them), rich jews did not get there by smoking pot all day. The jewish people historically have placed a heavy emphasis on hard work and education. So maybe if you stop yapping all day and criticizing us, and spend some more time reading up on stocks, you might get somewhere?
Jews are a convenient scapegoat since so many are well off. But they're wealthy for a reason. Did you know that the founder of Google, Sergey Brin, is Jewish? He's a very charitable man too, although this is less known since he prefers a low profile.
Jew haters should also know that while rich jews may often be greedy, so are rich Indians, rich blacks, and hell just rich people in general. It's a problem of the rich and of human nature, not jews.
Liberal Jew haters: They tie any form of judaism with radical zionism. Tend not to realize that the vast majority of Jews in the U.S. are extremely secular and are often some of the most liberal people around to boot. Also most american jews have very little if any connection with Israel.
Conservative Jew haters: They in turn are more prone to despise liberal, secular jews, especially for their perceived influence on Hollywood and the media. I won't lie, this image is probably more accurate. But it's still unfair to insult an entire religion for the actions of a few.
Lastly, the amount of judeophobia on this dictionary, is, frankly, disgusting. Just look up some of the definitions for "jew" or "jews" if you're skeptical of this.
by Submitters of Words July 6, 2011
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Similar to the "Just keep swimming" mantra from Finding Nemo, except this applies to.. you guessed it, the caressing of the male organ.
"Just keep stroking, just keep stroking..." is nice to remember when you're in a rut and can't get any.
by Submitters of Words June 26, 2011
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A meaningless term invented by barely-literate Republicans.
What you're probably looking for is "Democratic Logic", i.e. the idea that we should base our government policies on actual numbers and evidence as opposed to ancient myths and superstitions(stem cells have souls), not to mention false stereotypes (the idea that all people on welfare want to be there and are lazy, yes even the children).
"Democrat Logic" exists only among republicans who believe in the existence of the "Democrat Party".
by Submitters of Words July 6, 2011
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Something which seems to have rendered the existence of a soul very, very unlikely, unfortunately.

Looks like this is the only life we're going to get folks.

Recent work on the brain has shown no evidence for souls, spirits, or any part of our personality or behavior distinct from the lump of jelly in our head.
by Submitters of Words June 14, 2011
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A system of ethics that evaluates acts in light of their situational context rather than by the application of moral absolutes.
Situational ethics:

Imagine you are invited to dinner at the house of a friend. You arrive, exchange polite conversation, enjoy a few appetizers and sit down at the table. Midway through the main course you suddenly begin shouting at the other guests, overturning the chairs, grab the host out of his chair and begin physically assaulting him.

That would be considered highly inappropriate behavior - unless, of course, you had just observed him choking, you took charge of the situation, instructing one guest to call for help, another to wait outside and flag down the ambulance while you cleared obstructions out of the way and administered the life-saving Heimlich maneuver.
by Submitters of Words June 14, 2011
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