20 definitions by Steve Capstick

To pull out into a busy intersection when making a left turn at a light so the people behind you have a chance to turn on yellow too.
We would make that light if that guy would just walk the plank for us.”
by Steve Capstick June 27, 2006
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To use shadows cast on buildings outside your office window to calculate when it’s time to put money in your meter.
“When that shadow crosses that window, through sun dialing, I'll know that I gotta go feed the meter.”
by Steve Capstick June 27, 2006
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A skilled driver who takes space at will from other drivers on the road. A rogue commander of the asphalt high seas.
"I know exactly how to position myself against a lane pirate. Aargh."
by Steve Capstick June 27, 2006
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To leave a big gap in front of your car so that you're right next to the car in the lane next to you. Typically, it's a technique used to admire another car, its occupants or both.
"I pulled a false alignment so I could check out the hottie in the convertible."
by Steve Capstick June 27, 2006
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An object, usually a rock, that hits the front of your car. As these projectiles are usually unavoidable, any scratch or dent they may make must be accepted as a scar of city driving.
"That dump truck was dropping major asphalteroids."
by Steve Capstick June 26, 2006
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A person who is reckless, unpredictable, and loathed by all on the road.
"I gotta get away from this carmakazi before he causes a wreck."
by Steve Capstick June 27, 2006
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When two cars coming in opposite directions and both signal for the same parking spot.
"I beat him on the blinker slinger back there. It was totally my parking spot. I'm a quick draw blinker slinger."
by Steve Capstick June 27, 2006
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