1 definition by Spasiklaki Polyglot

In English:
“a phoque” (n.) is an item or a cloth used to seal the crack under a door or window.
(v.) “to phoque”- the process of phoquing the drafty area under the door.
(adj.) “phoquable”- to have room enough or a decent ledge under a door or window in which to phoque the hole

In French, “phoque” (nms.) is the word for seal (see below for joke). Pronounced ever so slightly different than English “fuck;” however, in fluent speech, one would be hard-pressed to hear any difference between the two words.
<<Regardez enfants, ‘y avait un phoque là qui claquait les nageoires dans l’eau! Vous l’avez vu?>>

When teaching French, my students one year were excited to share a joke with me they wrote together.

Q: While American Oceanography students attend U Dub, where do French Oceanography Students study? (Alternately, where did the French seal get his degree?)

A: Phoque U!
He really wanted to phoque it and thought it’d be easily phoquable; but this slit is just too gaping a hole to phoque! “To bad it doesn’t have that black hairy phoquing strip on it that doesn’t need further phoquing,” he thought, disappointedly :(
by Spasiklaki Polyglot April 9, 2023
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