142 definitions by Soiled Undergarment

A 3.5" disk used to store 1.44MB, a ridiculous amount of space but it is now coming out of fashion.
"Dude, I feel chlostrophobic when I use a floppy disk."
by Soiled Undergarment August 17, 2003
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Waking up with an erection and a huge need to pee.
"Dude, I hate morning glories, I am trying to sleep, I wake up one sec and I've got a huge fucking boner and need to pee."
by Soiled Undergarment August 18, 2003
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1) Typo for "the".
2) Very
3) An Asian name spellchecked with Microsoft Word.
1) "I just shot teh teacup."
2) "That is teh L337."
3) Teh.
by Soiled Undergarment August 13, 2003
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