8 definitions by Sleez Boy

Taking Back Sunday is a very popular and succesful band that came from Long Island. The band has fame, fortune, popularity, which makes up for it untalented and uninspiring music. The bands deadly predators are hard rock, black metal, grunge, and heavy metal bands with talent along with punk bands from the 70s and 80s. Taking Back Sunday is also afraid of singing and talent.
TBS Fan: Taking Back Sunday is the greatest rock n roll band of all!

Smart man: NO they aren't

Retarded man: ha ha, they suck

college girl: yeah they do suck, and that retard doesn't even know that he just crapped his pants

woman: yeah TBS does suck

sleazy guy: hahaha, you're a retard! Hey, if you lick the electrical outlet, you will become a mighty morphin power ranger.

TBS fan: really! cool!


sleazy guy: whoa! I didn't know she was gonna do that
by Sleez Boy February 28, 2008
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a popular record company that has acts like Foul Out Boy, sorry, Fall Out Boy, The Academy Is..., Panic! At The Disco, and bands aiming for preteen girls and guys who have been dropped when they where born. This company is the biggest threat US and the world faces today. "Cool parents" support bands like these so they can blind their children from knowing of great bands. Fall Out Boy is one of the most untalented and worst band to have existed in the Earth. These so-called punk bands should be fed to Slipknot, Insane Clown Posse, Dead Boys, and GG Allin. Guys who think they are hardcore for liking bands from Fueled By Ramen should castrated and hit with a hammer to save the world.
Fall Out Boy: Oh we'e so hardcore that we obey the rules in school. Soon enough, the young girls will be ours.

Parent: we cannot let our child listen to Led Zeppelin!

Guy 1: Why not?

Parent: cause Led Zeppelin is too talented!

Guy 1: What about Black Flag or New York Dolls?

Parent: NO! They're talented as well!

Guy 1: Then what can they listen to?

Parent: Bands from Fueled By Ramen, so my teens will stay stupid as they already are! Thanks to MTV, OC, American Idol, and High School Musical

Guy 2: You know what! There are many ways to get what you want, I use the best! I use anarchy! (pulls out a guitar and plays)

Parent: Oh no, music that relies on music rather popularity! (explode)
by Sleez Boy February 28, 2008
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Insane Clown Pussies is a derogatory word for the band/duo the Insane Clown Posse. The people who use the words to try and lower the band/duo reputation down or have them killed will be referred as 'haters'.

Insane Clown Posse is a band/duo with Shaggy-2-Dope and Violent J as the singer, they play horrorcore music. They use eletric guitars and sing in rap-esque style.

Haters have describe their music and duo as gay, immature, stupid, retarded, songs about killing cops, and sell outs. Those are some of the reasons for Insane Clown Pussies.
However, it is the haters who show their stupidity. Saying their opinion is fine; however, their debating skill results in using slangs, stupidty, immaturity, cowardice, and homophobia. The hater's brains are no wiser than a bag of crap (seriously).

It is ok that haters decide to use the derogatory words and slangs, because it is they who show that they are incapable of any knowledge. Also, they make themselves look stupid, and people laugh at them.

Insane Clown Posse song are childish and do sing a lot about killing, but they are actually a good band/duo! They are not sell outs, for they expanded their music. I would suggest getting an album or two from them. They have some pretty cool songs.

Insane Clown Posse have juggalos and juggalettes for the fanbase, but there are also fans of their music who do not consider themselves as juggalos and juggalettes. Their fanbase (non-juggalos/lettes as well) are not made up of kids who are mentally retarded or 5th graders as the haters say. So, this concludes that the haters have the mind lower than someone who is mentally challenged or a 5th grader.

Insane Clown Posse is not the greatest or most talented band/duo in the world, but they sure are fun and funny!

The haters need to learn how to grow up. Just to lower and degrade myself down to their level, so they can understand: YOU'RE THE ONES WHO ARE PUSSIES!!! OH YEAH!
Hater: Oh man! I can't believe you like Insane Clown Pussies! They're pussies!

Sleez Boy: Whatever...

Hater: They're faggots, sell outs, and gay! Woop woop! Stupid! STOOOPID!

Sleez Boy: Wow, you're the one who is stupid because you are the one who is showing stupidity, immaturity, and homophobia.

Hater *looks around*

*people are laughin at the hater*

Hater: You know what! Go F*ck yourself! *Hater runs and cries*


Hater: Now what! I got my friends with me! Where are your Insane Clown Pussies or your retards! Huh? Yeah! They're faggots! Insane Clown Pussies! Now what!

Sleez Boy: Hey, loser *hater gives a butt hurt face*, I'm going to work. So, go away.

Hater: No! What now!? Insane Clown Pussies?

Sleez Boy: You need to grow up cause you making yourself look stupid and ignorant.

*Hater and 8 of his friends look around*

*people are laughing at him*

Sleez Boy: You sure do make fun of yourself, hahaha.

Hater: F*CK YOU! *hater runs and cries*

*his friends disband in humiliation*


Hater: Okay you little faggot! You better start talking before I take your gayass out of your f*cking body! You f*cking homo! Where's you Insane Clown Pussies now?

Sleez Boy *ignores*

Hater: hey homo! I'm talking you!

Guy 1: HEY! You!

Hater: what?

Guy 1: What did you say?

Hater: Nothing man.

Guy 1: You know, you have a very disrespectful mouth! LOOK AT ME! You thinks it's alright to yell out words like "gay", "faggot", and "homo"? I'm gay! You have a problem with me? ha! I thought so?

Hater: *wimps* ok, I'm sorry! fruit

Guy 1: You know what? I'm gonna teach you some respect boy! I'm gonna beat your little... HEY! DON'T RUN FROM ME! Freaking pussy.

Hater *starts crying and whining*

Guy 1: yeah, what now?

Sleez *walks to work*

*Hater starts screaming as he gets the beating of his lifetime*

by Sleez Boy April 25, 2008
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1. A Megadeth album
2. A Megadeth song

(1) United Abominations is the 11th studio album from heavy metal group Megadeth. United Abominations is conisdered the best album of 2007. It is truly a masterpiece already has some legendary songs. The songs in the album are heavy, fast, and thrashy. The album also contained a remake of "A Tout Le Mode" with "A Tout Le Mode (Set Me Free)" which featured Lacuna Coil singer (and sexy) Cristina Scabbia. The album artwork features Vic Rattlehead in a make over.

The best songs are

"Washington Is Next!"
"Gears of War"
"United Abominations"
"Play For Blood"
"À Tout le Monde (Set Me Free)"
"Never Walk Alone... A Call To Arms"

Despite the greatness of the band, the radio, Grammy's, and mainstream America ignored the album and Megadeth once again. They (media) instead publicized Paramore (singer needs a dynamite in her mouth to go boom), Jimmy Eat World (Jimmy! Eat bullets!), My Crappy Romance (Lack Parade sucked), Kelly Clarkson (overated), Carrie Underwood (Before she sings), Taking Lack Sunday, Avril Lavigne (needs to shut her mouth), and Foul Out Boy.

However, United Abominations peaked at #8 on the charts thanks to fans and Gigantour. Megadeth shows what rock is all about! So, I suggest listening to it.

(2) A song from Megadeth, where the lyrics slams the United Nations. The song is slow, but then goes fast.
(1) Tom: Hey! I think MCR's "Black Parade" is the greatest album of all time!

Sleazy Guy: Uh, you said the same thing about Kelly Clarkson's new album.

Tom: So!

Sleazy Guy: Then, you said the same thing when Foul Out Boy release the crappy album.

Tom: Oh, ok, let me hear your best album, Mr. I think

Sleazy Guy *slaps Tom*: shut up and listen

"Sleepwalkers" play

Tom: This is too good! Wow, this guy is talented! Wow, those other bands I love are emberassing!

Sleazy Guy: I know, my suggestion is line them up against the wall and execute!

Tom: what's the name of this album?

Sleazy Guy: United Abominations (1) (2)!

by Sleez Boy April 8, 2008
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1. American heavy metal band

Jackyl is an American heavy metal band that got recognition when it released its self-titled debut album in 1992. The album sold more than a million copies to be certified platinum by the RIAA.

Jackyl's most popular songs are:
"Kill the Sunshine"
"Down on Me"
"I Stand Alone"
and notoriously "Lumberjack" and all other tracks
Perosn A: Hey man, what'cha listening to?

Jackyl fan: Jackyl

Person A: can I hear some?

Jackyl fan: sure

Person A: Are they using a chainsaw?

Jackyl fan: yes, tonight I'm gonna go see them
by Sleez Boy March 12, 2009
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1) Ice on the road

2) AC/DC album

1. Black (or Glare) ice is ice frozen without many air bubbles trapped inside, making it transparent. This type of ice takes the color of the material it lies on top of, often wet asphalt or a darkened pond. Its difficult-to-detect nature makes it a significant hazard to drivers, pedestrians, and sailors.

2. Black Ice is the 15th studio album from AC/DC. Seven years after the release of Stiff Upper Lip, the band releases an album that fills in the rock that was missing through 2004-2007. The album was a huge success.
The album was also the second time the band had a #1 on the charts in the US. Black Ice simply rocks!
(1) Hey man careful, there's black ice on the road.
(2) Sleez Boy bought the Black Ice yesterday and loves it!
by Sleez Boy March 14, 2009
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Dizzy Reed is keyboardist for the hard rock band Guns N Roses. He has stayed loyal to the group since '89 and is the only surviving member of the group, besides Axl Rose. However, he is not considered an original member. He is a great keyboardist and will go wherever Axl takes Guns N Roses.
Axl: Now my keyboardist Dizzy Reed!

Dizzy Reed *starts playing the piano.
by Sleez Boy April 7, 2008
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