80 definitions by Sky

No talent assclown.......come on, someone had to add this....
"Until that no talent assclown starting winning grammys"
by Sky December 27, 2003
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A very hot girl. Loved by many. Hated my few. Alex. for instance that little.thing. loved by skyler hill.:-D
by Sky February 3, 2003
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some who holds a joint while talking,thus fucking up the rotation.
by Sky May 9, 2003
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i want somthin 2 eat now... need food
who ever doesnt like food is realy disturbed
pizze, spageti, chilli cheese dog
oh gr8 now im freakin starvin
by Sky June 16, 2004
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corn ball someone that is just too thru and dont have any kinda game
That nigga is a corn ball, he cant even spit game!
by Sky April 8, 2004
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