31 definitions by Skeeter McDougal

A western cheeseburger is an extremely delicious, albeit unhealthy fast food. A western cheeseburger is like a regular cheeseburger, having 1-3 hamburger patties, each with cheese, but in addition has some sort of tangy barbeque sauce on the top and most of the time, 2 or so onion rings below the patties. This creates a delightful mixture of tangy sauce and the light crunch of the onion ring.
Yeah so its a good thing I'm broke because I'm pretty sure if I had a lot of money I'd eat western cheeseburgers until they killed me. Oh what a glorious death that would be!
by Skeeter McDougal October 2, 2005
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A commercial violator is a person who has a flagrant disregard for the unwritten laws of TV commercials. To elaborate, the general rule is that when you are watching tv with others and a commercial comes on, you are free to tell whatever idiotic story you like, but when the commercial break ends, the story must be completely finished.

A commercial violator tends to have an endless supply of crappy stories about how their day went. This person does not sit down with the group with the intent of watching tv, but rather conveying some sort of story to the group. As the commercial violator begins their story, the keeper of the remote turns down the volume of the tv to be courteous. The situation quickly goes awry as soon as the commercial is over and the end of the story is nowhere in site.

One must avoid watching tv with commercial violators at all cost. However, if you find yourself in posession of the remote and a commercial violator's story is exceeding its alloted time, it is adviseable that you very discreetly turn up the volume on the television set until he/she stops.
person A: Yeah so I was trying to watch mythbusters the other day and my mom was being a total commercial violator. She was telling some crappy story about something funny she saw on C-Span.
person B: God damnit. How was the situation resolved?
person A: It wasn't, she finished her story and I missed half the fucking show. I did not get my Kari Byron dose of the week.
person B: NOT COOL!
by Skeeter McDougal September 29, 2005
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This is an especially cruel prank to play on somebody. Though there are few documented instances of somebody performing a brown sock attack, it has happened. Party A defecates into a large sock, preferably a tube sock. After the sock is weighted down with the fecies inside, Party A ties a knot near the secrtion of the sock that is occupied by the fecies. At this point, Party A proceeds to spin the sock around (holding it by the clean side of course) and smacks Party B (who is most likely drunk and/or passed out) across the face.

Though this assault is rarely painful, the ego of Party B will be severely bruised by this most unsanitary of pranks.
Yeah so Bob was being a dick the other day so I decided to give him a brown sock. When he wasn't looking I loaded up one of his tube socks and cracked him across the face with it. Oh the hilarity that ensued.
by Skeeter McDougal October 4, 2005
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Icebag is a (male) masturbatory technique in which a ziploc baggie is filled with ice or ice water. When one is pleasuring himself, the cold bag is held against the testicles. Many proponents of this technique claim that it increases both the intensity of the orgasm and the amount of semen ejected from the body.
Date didn't go well last night so I went home and decided it was time for an icebag. Good choice on my part.
by Skeeter McDougal September 30, 2005
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Kari Byron is an extremly talented build team member/researcher on the Discovery Channel show Mythbusters. Kari Byron is usually assigned to tackle secondary myths on the show or assist the hosts in busting the larger-scale myths.

Kari Byron has a Bachelor's degree in film and sculpture which explains her proficiency serving on the build team of Mythbusters. Her artistic background ensures that no build is too far-fetched or difficult. Kari Byron's intellect and talent are nothing less than impressive and are very well suited to busting myths, urban legends and old wive's tales much to the delight of Mythbusters fans everywhere.

Interestingly enough, in addition to being so talented, Kari Byron has been confirmed as being the cutest redhead known to man. Do not dispute it.
Kari Byron, helping to bust myths while ofsetting the show's geekiness with her sunny personality, beautiful smile and expertise in reckless demolition in the name of science.
by Skeeter McDougal September 29, 2005
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Just as a marksman shows proficiency and skill with a gun, so does a wangsman with his wang. A wangsman is able to do all the elaborate and perhaps disgusting acts that can be researched on this very site.

No ejaculatory exhibition is too difficult or complicated for an experienced wangsman.
Wangsman: Yeah so the other night I pulled off a Sudanese Spunkbbuster last night on Starkeisha.

Bob: Jesus christ! How are you still walking. I guess you didn't get that wangsmanship trophy for nothing...
by Skeeter McDougal August 27, 2005
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A Farewell to Glocks takes place at the end of a Counter-Strike: Source game when the server begins to change maps. At this time, everybody on both teams is frozen at their spawn points with a scoreboard in front of them. Everybody who isn't typing then proceeds to buy glocks from the buy menu and toss them to the ground, making a large pile in front of every player. Nobody is quite sure why this takes place, but it can be seen in almost every Counter-Strike: Source server one may encounter.

Note: This practice generally doesn't happen in older versions of Counter-Strike (1.5, 1.6, CZ) because they don't have realtime physics so the guns don't stack nicely.
killuh6969: gg guys
boom_headshot123: hey guys, lets buy a bunch of glocks and throw them on the ground!
killuh6969: A Farewell to Glocks!
boom_headshot123: shut up, thats not even clever
by Skeeter McDougal February 18, 2006
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