12 definitions by Shitastic

Rarest member in a band, the most important person to a guitarist, used to hide mistakes of guitarist
A:dude we just ran over someone maybe we should turn back
B:That guy deserved the darwin award for stepping in our way, keep on driving
A:Dude we forgot the drummer!!!!
B:what the shizniz?!?!!? YOU IDIOT, TURN THE BUS AROUND NOW!!!!
by Shitastic October 12, 2004
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The guy who criticizes everything you ever do, never admits he's wrong in front of you, the guy who ejaculated into your mom, the human bank machine, the only straight guy who ever cares for you but never admits it
me: can i drive today
me:oh come on
dad:if we die itz your fault

me:i got my ass kicked at school today
dad:you loser
me:they stole my lunch money too
dad:man you're the biggest mistake i ever made
dad:come on son lets go and hurt does guys then lets go to a buffet
by Shitastic October 9, 2004
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equivalent to an american football touchdown, a try = 5 points during international games where a rugby player touches down the rugby ball in the opposition's end zone without a knockon dropping the ball forward, a try can be achieved by sliding through the grass and pass the tryline, kicked through to the endzone then touched down, mauled in similar to a ruck but a player carrying the ball is being driven forward, or a try can be achived simply by a player running through, around, under the opposition
1)I'm trying get a try but the more i try the less tries i get so i must try not to try to get a try

2)Forwards can't score a try even if they tried

3)The winger retired when the hooker scored more tries than him
by Shitastic October 10, 2004
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someone in counterstrike decided to rename the galil and call it this. what a mistake and humiliation they have caused themselves
A:dude i don't have enough money for an idf defender.
B:Nigga what!?
by Shitastic December 26, 2005
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Declared the best power forward in the NHL by peers, one who sticks up for a team mate, admits wrong doing and helped canucks from becoming obsolete
-steve moore had it coming when he gave Markus Naslund a concussion

-Even if steve was hit "fairly" as
opposed to being hit from behind, Bertuzzi would still own his ass silly

-step down tyson, Bertuzzi can beat the shit out of anyone

-one of the few giants that can puck handle and score
by Shitastic December 27, 2005
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