78 definitions by Shannon

A person with an oddly shaped head, who is just creepy looking in general and appears to look as if he could only get laid by a peanut in his ass!
Dude, check out that peanut fucker over there, I bet he has a peanut in his ass now!
by Shannon September 10, 2004
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what all Kerry supporters are in and what Kerry himself is in, because he knows and i know and everyone else knows he didn't deserve these medals.another good definition is false hope.
If Kerry sincerely thinks he deserves any of the three supposed purple hearts he received, he is in serious denial!No one has yet too see the orders that were put in for all three of these medals.
by Shannon September 10, 2004
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A form of sXe-ness. Could be considered a "higher degree".
This is when a person does not take part in drugs, alcohol or sex.
Often confused with sXe (no drugs, no alcohol).
Often a label picked up by those who desperatly want to belong or those who are under-age.
Feww are actually "edge" or "out of step" for life, sooner or later they realize it's a waste of time.

The proof is in the song!

"I'm a person just like you
But I've got better things to do
Than sit around and fuck my head
Hang out with the living dead
Snort white shit up my nose
Pass out at the shows
I don't even think about speed
That's something I just don't need

I've got the straight edge

I'm a person just like you
But I've got better things to do
Than sit around and smoke dope
'Cause I know I can cope
Laugh at the thought of eating ludes
Laugh at the thought of sniffing glue
Always gonna keep in touch
Never want to use a crutch

I've got the straight edge"

Ian McKaye of Minor Threat, "Straightedge," 1981
a:"I'm sXe! no drinks no drugs no fuck!"
b:"naw bro, 'you're out of step'"
by Shannon April 27, 2004
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When your crush (who doesn't feel the same way about you) drops hints and then leaves you crying in the dark alone.

The word "Lyva" comes from a boy named "Lyva" who stomped on a girl's pathetic little heart and never paided for it.
When your crush (who doesn't feel the same way about you) drops hints and then leaves you crying in the dark alone.
by Shannon March 13, 2005
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when someone takes a shit on you for a joke or pleasure
my gf gave me a mud bath last night!
by Shannon August 28, 2004
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myah, see, lissen' here copper, you'll sleep with the fishes tonight, see!
by Shannon May 6, 2005
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