2 definitions by Senator Daschle

When you slap a woman's breasts like Moe slaps Larry and Curly. A swipe from the side, hitting one boob then the other. Then back the other way. Then tapping the top quickly while saying "Woopwoopwoop" with an optional "Why I oughta".
Tyler was so much fun in bed last night. He gave me the three stooges until my nipples were rock-hard and then fucked me to multiple orgasms.
by Senator Daschle January 25, 2010
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When a woman sucks a man off and swallows his load without letting the cum touch his penis, then makes sure she gets all of it out of his dick and that his dick is nice and clean before finally letting him go.

Called this because the dick quickly dries to a clean state like it was before the blowjob.
Men love to be sucked dry.
by Senator Daschle April 9, 2009
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