12 definitions by SWZ

A cylindrical device originally used to hold a long strand of cable, rope or thread. More commonly used in single men's appartments as their first coffee table.
by SWZ September 26, 2003
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The process where you try to call someone and only get their answering machine. They in turn get the message and call you only to get your voice mail. Repeat until one of you give up.
by SWZ October 1, 2003
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One who studies and classifies mullets in the wild.
I grew up in the 80's so I am a mulletologist.
by SWZ September 26, 2003
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1. Anus
2. Exit point for fecal material
My roids are bothering me. I need to rub some Preparation H on my pooper chute.
by SWZ September 26, 2003
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Abbreviation for 'blind carbon copy'. Typically used in email to get someone in trouble
That guy pissed me off so I bcc'd his boss.
by SWZ September 26, 2003
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