3 definitions by SWEET BABY RAY

An awful rapper who needs to pass English class before he spits anything, let alone bars.
Person 1: Hey did you hear Sweet Baby Ray The Rapper has a new album is on itunes?
Person 2: Who cares it has to be the worst thing I have ever heard in my life
Person 1: Yeah you right lets go bump some drake
by SWEET BABY RAY October 22, 2015
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Any kind wetness associated with a condom whether inside or out of the condom. The substance and how it came to be may vary. May also be used any way you Damn well please.
Rachel slipped on the condomsation Andrew left on the bathroom floor after his lovefest with Samantha.
by SWEET BABY RAY October 4, 2014
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The best BBQ sauce in the world, and possibly the universe.

The second best thing to come out of Chicago after Playboy

The equivalent of black people in a bottle.

The sauce is the boss.
We can't have nothin' but Sweet Baby Ray's baby!
by SWEET BABY RAY October 7, 2008
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