5 definitions by Rolo Tony

A sexual act involving a man's erect penis, a Boston cream doughnut and fellatio giving a crude resemblance to the mounting of a brake disk on a wheel hub. The doughnut is pressed onto the man's erect penis and once the penis has broken through to the other side fellatio is performed on the now cream covered penis.
"Fuck we were so drunk last night that after we got home from Tim Hortons, River busted out the last Boston cream and gave me the ole Boston Brake job"
by Rolo Tony May 1, 2009
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a description of an Asian who wears wild rock and roll type clothing and or has an extreme hairdo.
"Check out Funky Chung over there playing DDR, How can he even see out of that massive do?"
by Rolo Tony August 6, 2008
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A sexual act similar to the popular "stranger" but involving a second person. A friend/partner sits on one of their arms constricting the blood flow until the point where numbness occurs and feeling is lost in that arm. The person with the numb arm then performs a hand job on the friend/partner.
"Phew all those GhostDads we gave each other on the secret trip really cut the tension but boy does my arm hurt!"

"The Jonas brothers are a horrible band but I hear they can be quite a bit of fun on the road performing a few GhostDads on each other and the crew?"
by Rolo Tony July 13, 2009
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To generaly get screwed over physicaly financialy or otherwise.
A co worker noticing another in a slump after a wekend may proclaim "somebody sure has a case of the monday Munsons".
Another example: "Hey man how did you do in that fight?" reply "Dude i got Effen Munsoned".
by Rolo Tony December 28, 2006
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A sexual act involving a man's erect penis, a Boston cream doughnut and fellatio giving a crude resemblance to the mounting of a break disk on a wheel hub. The doughnut is pressed onto the man's erect penis and once the penis has broken through to the other side fellatio is performed on the now cream covered penis.
"Fuck we were so drunk last night that after we got home from Tim Hortons, River busted out the last Boston cream and gave me the ole Boston Break job"
by Rolo Tony April 30, 2009
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