7 definitions by Robin B.

An informal way of saying the word "totally" in conversation. The word itself, a separated compound, is designed to stress the pronunciation of the second syllable in "totally."
Greg, I must say, this sandwich is toe tally awesome.
by Robin B. April 30, 2006
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The act of using flip flops as one's sole choice of footwear for an extended period of time.
This weekend at the beach is going to be great. Forget shoes, I'm going full flop.
by Robin B. August 9, 2011
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A natural affinity for the creation, recognition, and appreciation of the grammatical phenomenon known as the pun.
Wow Hugh, that was a great pun! You have a huge ackman!
by Robin B. October 12, 2007
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A natural affinity for the creation, recognition, and appreciation of the grammatical phenomenon known as the pun.
Wow Hugh, that was a great pun! You have a huge ackman!
by Robin B. September 7, 2007
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To spend time doing something with the intent that it will contribute to a specific goal or project only to realize after completion that this had no positive productive value and was a complete waste of time.
"Man, I need to write a paper about suburbia in popular culture, but I decided to watch a movie that didn't actually have anything to do with that. I hate when I pull a Truman Show, brah."
by Robin B. April 26, 2008
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To do all in one's power to deliberately and maliciously cause an elevator's doors to close when it is quite obvious that others nearby desire to ride in it.
Man, that dude totally just tried to pull a Jackson. We almost had to take the stairs all the way up to the 17th floor.
by Robin B. March 19, 2008
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A word used to confirm (and sometimes reaffirm) a previously stated fact, idea, concept, or query. It is a derivative of "all right," but its tone is more optimistic and exuberant than its commonly spoken cousin.
"Hey, Francis, how about we rob that bank and then go cowtipping?"
"Earreat, sounds good to me."
by Robin B. July 26, 2008
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