10 definitions by Robert Sacamano

An ESP like sixth sense where one is able to accurately determine if a dirty, lazy, poorly dressed individual is either a hipster or a transient.
Through "transience," Laura was able to determine that the disheveled gentleman in line at the coffee shop was in fact just a hipster, not a transient.
by Robert Sacamano November 7, 2013
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The pulsating movements your dog’s anus makes when he or she is about to defecate.
Person A: Are you sure Max still needs to go?

Person B: Yes. He’s displaying a lot of “asstivity” back there. He’s going to poop any second now.
by Robert Sacamano November 19, 2020
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A person of ambiguous ethnicity who looks vaguely Asian.
I'm not sure what Olivia Munn's racial make-up is. She looks "Vasian."
by Robert Sacamano September 27, 2012
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