3 definitions by Risky Rick

The process of being unfairly rejected by an internet urban dictionary website.
Pete: I just got urban dictionaried by my history teacher; he didn't even read my paper, he just gave it back and smiled.

Paul: That sucks balls man.
by Risky Rick December 15, 2008
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The process of splitting a single shower stall with another male in the event that all of the dormitory showers are in use
Steve: Hey man, I noticed all the shower stalls are taken; would you mind if we buddy up?

Harry: That's no problem! Hop on in, sailor!
by Risky Rick December 11, 2008
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A bag of 'shrooms, slap of heroine, star-shaped snort of cocaine all done in under fifteen minutes.
Shit dogg, last night Charles did a Scandinavian Pipebomb in McCarthy Quad and shat his pants and subsequently convulsed.
by Risky Rick December 9, 2008
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