40 definitions by Rill GiktokExcelticus

A person who was influenced by or inspired by a British kickboxer & ultra masculine self-help guru
Tater Tots are perspicacious individuals.
by Rill GiktokExcelticus January 31, 2023
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An elevator that makes an obnoxiois thomping or clunking sound like a rollercoaster brake right before it begins moving or right before or after the doors open to signify that the brakes are working properly.
My frirnd rode the HornrtDisc at school today.
by Rill GiktokExcelticus June 22, 2018
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A hornrt which has an electric sting much like the tarantula hawk, but at four times the pain & lasts for an eternity
by Rill GiktokExcelticus July 13, 2018
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The equivalent of an elevator hogger, but 10x the Savage factor. Think of him as a fire hornrt, in human form. He is completely selfish and keeps the elevator to himself, letting nobody else ride it. While riding, the hornrt is talking to his Princess Hornrt over the emergency intercom, wasting precious taxpayers dollars.
The Elevator Hornrt refused to let us in the elevator when we went to film one in LizzyTown (aka Elizabeth Shuttle Reserve)
by Rill GiktokExcelticus July 13, 2018
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A mockery of 2019 if it is a bad year
I despise the year 2919
by Rill GiktokExcelticus February 4, 2019
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