36 definitions by Richie

a white person that dresses, talks, and acts like a mexican.
look at that wexican with his stolen hub caps.
by Richie February 22, 2005
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"Hurensohn" is the German word for "Son of a bitch"
I hate you, fucking Hurensohn
by Richie December 9, 2003
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THE greatest person in the world. Smart and witty, funny and beautiful... She rocks so hard that everyone should want to be her.
OMG! Lyssie rocks so hard! I wish I was her!
by Richie December 10, 2004
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An alternative to 'On the Real', which is in turn an alternative to 'For Real'.
Person 1: 'I got a promotion at work today'.
Person 2: 'On the Rizzle?'
by Richie August 8, 2003
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Descriptive noun. Short form of mongoloid.
Someone suffering mental handicap. Particularly Joey Deacon.
Precursor to meng, ming, minger q.v.
Passive racist term.
You mong.
by Richie December 11, 2003
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Verb, infinitive; to ming.
Present continuative tense: minging
Simple present tense: mings.

1. to smell badly
2. to be drunk (usu. used in past tense)
3. to be generally distasteful

This word is widely used in the North of England and Scotland.

Etymology: variation of meng, mong and mongoloid, yet with no racist or discriminatory overtones.
The noun is not *mingoloid, rather it is derived from this verb: minger, q.v.
"By God I ming today!"
"I was minging last night!"
"Those sandwiches are minging!"
by Richie December 11, 2003
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Descriptive noun. Someone who mings, or is minging, q.v.

1. someone who smells bad
2. an ugly person (used of people to whom your attention has been drawn by a friend, perversely as a potential mate.)
3. someone who has very recently been drunk. Cognate of rat-arsed.
NB: This description should not be used to describe someone as drunk, as you will probably be drunk yourself.
4. someone generally distasteful
This word is widely used in the North of England and Scotland.
"There's this lass I work with and she's a total minger!"
"No I don't fancy him, he's a complete minger!"
"You minger! You were completely rat-arsed last night!"
"Bouche and his cronies are complete mingers!"
by Richie December 11, 2003
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