3 definitions by Richard Castle III

When someone writes,says or does whatever comes to mind at any given time to confuse the other person,to get there attention,to do "icebreaking" in any situation or just to piss them off. It could be used as a noun or verb(the action usually being randomizing).
I'm so bored I'll just randomize some friends by texting them incomplete phrases.
by Richard Castle III June 21, 2011
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When somebody writes random things in the Facebook chat to get someone's attention,to piss them off or just because they're bored. When randomizing the person will end by saying exactly or I know.
Chris: I think so

Paloma: What?

Chris: I know

Paloma: I don't understand

Chris: Exactly

Chris was randomize chatting to get Paloma's attention.
by Richard Castle III June 20, 2011
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The action of saying or writing whatever comes to mind at any given time to confuse the other person,to get there attention or just to piss them off. When somebody is randomizing they will finish up by saying exactly or I know.
John: So how is the family?

Carl: You know it could happen

John: What?

Carl: Exactly

John: What are you talking about?

Carl: I know

Carl was randomizing John to piss him off and confuse him.
by Richard Castle III June 20, 2011
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