134 definitions by RatchetBoo

Shouted during an argument that is going nowhere.
Kid1-You're a big pee-pee head!
Kid2- Oh, yeah? Well, you're a big poopy-face!
Kid1- Am not!
Kid2- Are too!
*continues for five mintutes8
Kid1- Am not!
Kid3- Dooky sticks!
by RatchetBoo November 3, 2003
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When you walk by somebody with a big juicy butt and squeeze their butt cheeks together.
Susie Q likes to fluff Charles's muffin when she walks by him.
by RatchetBoo April 30, 2003
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Seen in Stadium/GSC series of the Pokemon games, this item makes Pokemon evolve, too.
Gloom + Sun Stone= Bellossom
Sunkern + Sun Stone= Sunflora
by RatchetBoo October 19, 2003
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Woo-Woo's pet monkey. Klaus loves to hump people's legs. He is also very sensitive and will start crying if you even breathe funny. Gill likes to pick bugs from his fur and shove them in his poopchute.
by RatchetBoo May 27, 2003
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A backside reminiscent to that of Lance 'Avalanvhe' Alvers.
The Rock has a juicy Avalance behind...I wish I could pinch it and feel on it....
by RatchetBoo September 9, 2003
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A popular computer, up there with Microsoft and PC. Fun to kick down the stairs because of their crappiness (read: freezes up every 0.0000000005 seconds)
Hey guys! Let's go bowling with my new Apple computer!
by RatchetBoo July 7, 2003
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A-Where's Lisa? She's been in the bathroom for about 40 minutes now. Is she constipated or something?
B-Oh, she's stirring her egg drop soup. Her BF Allen left for Spain Friday, and she just felt like...
A- Eeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwww!
by RatchetBoo May 22, 2003
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