62 definitions by Randy

a day that is good for drinking; today
yo man i just failed that physics test. i better study for the one we have tomorrow.
nah bro its thirsy monday!
by Randy December 7, 2004
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Yar, I just ate your kids and plunder your village!
by Randy July 24, 2003
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1) any situation leading to dissatisfaction;

2) a member of the opposite sex with unappealing physical qualities
1) Getting arrested at Sandy's apartment was beat skeets for those without an Irish name.

2) That girl in our physics class is so beat skeets; lets jump her.
by Randy December 6, 2004
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1) Something Trahan loves.
2) Something Trahan needs.
"I love the name Dick Swett." - Trahan
"So you love dick sweat?" - Andy
"Yeah, I love Dick Swett." - Andy
by Randy April 22, 2004
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A person whom one knows, likes, and trusts.
A person whom one knows; an acquaintance.
A person with whom one is allied in a struggle or cause; a comrade.
Yo, ludda when are you going to get the Aesop Rock album
by Randy March 4, 2004
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That stupid saying when people need to smoke.
I am a weak bastard I must smoke I am having a nic fit.
by Randy March 15, 2005
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