22 definitions by Rae

These tight azz shoes that rock hard!
by Rae January 16, 2005
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A guy or girl that you pick up on the internet. You might get to a phone call , but other then that just someone that is known on the internet.
Hey! i found the hottest inty today in this chat room.
by Rae October 25, 2004
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Someone who goes on and on talking about meaningless stuff that no one wants to hear about. but they keep talking and talking and talking and...
Jimmy was womping about how his girlfriend was "soooo hottt", but no one cared.
by Rae October 20, 2004
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A can of lard. A fatass that you kick around the street.
that friggin lard can stole my twinkie...bitch!
by Rae October 2, 2004
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A word that punks use when agreeing with another punk.
Punk 1: Barbie is a slut.
Punk 2: Wasner.
by Rae November 16, 2003
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wait, keep yo azz right daar imma rite be back.
hold tight somebody callin me
by Rae January 11, 2004
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Evil tests middle school children are forced to take because of the government in IL.
Man, those Terra Nova tests were whack shit, yo!
by Rae February 19, 2004
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