55 definitions by QWERTY

A common mistake made by rapper-wannabes by looking up a 14-year-old white girl's skirt.
Just because the girl is hot, doesn't mean you should look up to see the color of her... you could pull off a 2 Pac!!!!
by QWERTY March 19, 2004
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A band with an asian, a joo, and a czechloslovakian, basically an equal opertunities employer, they even employ Coonses
by QWERTY May 21, 2003
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A political disaster that is similar to boy scouts but actualy gives over zeluos adults rank and control over their children and their childs peers.

Many a ambitious cadets CAP career was destroyed by a fat peice of shit parent.

oh and god help me if they ever look for me.
"I will promote you after my son is promoted"
by QWERTY December 25, 2004
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another term for a twomp ($20 worth of weed)
dude.... he gave me a twompas!
you mean twomp?
same thing.......
by QWERTY April 20, 2004
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