17 definitions by Pizzaeater69

Is defined as the sexual act of giving anal following the male or female licking fecal matter off of the penis and or testicles
Person 1: How was your date with Jane
Person 2: It was great! I tired anal for the first time and slipped her the old Chocolate Tootsie Pop
by Pizzaeater69 December 4, 2019
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He’s a really nice guy who puts himself in front of everyone else. He is also a really hot Italian guy with some nice baggage and comes out on top. He has a nice salsicce in his pants and nice pepperoni nips that taste like carne. He is very nice and busts a nice load
Xaverio took me to his deli last night
by Pizzaeater69 December 4, 2019
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Is the blood of an Italian woman’s period and using it as marinara sauce for your pasta and or pizza. It can also be used for dipping as well
Filomena made some yummy marigina sauce last night!
by Pizzaeater69 December 5, 2019
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Is commonly defined when the clit is so large it over takes the vagina, thus creating the word.
Damn that bitch I did last night had a cligina!!
by Pizzaeater69 December 4, 2019
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A black person who resembles an undocumented Italian
Person 1: God Jalen is such a guido wanna be.
Person 2: Back in my crip we’d call him a nuido
by Pizzaeater69 December 4, 2019
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National lick ur bro’s asshole and kiss their mouth with ur shitty lips day.
Person 1: Yooo bro it’s December 8th
Person 2: Alright, pull ur pants down and let’s get it over with...
by Pizzaeater69 December 6, 2019
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Is a sexual act when a Italian male or female naws or licks their significant others nipple for an extended period of time.
by Pizzaeater69 December 4, 2019
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