25 definitions by Pixie

my definition is someone who likes "grunge" (which started out as a fusion of heavy metal and punk rock)music, and as a general rule wears baggy clothes and as people who seem to knw what their talking about pointed out, some "grunger" girls will dress in a more riot grrl style(riot grrl being a sorta political/feminist spin-off of grunge is my understanding),also,i could be called a grunger but me and my friends are some of the girliest girls i know!.although i have critisisms of townies/townie music, i dont see the point in pigeonholing a whole group(townie OR grunger)as i have townie friends who are just as nice as anyone else, as well as knowing some EVIL "grungers"(and some townie music isnt CRAP, i just dont like it)i think people do this to try and strengthen their own alliance to a group.but id like to point out im not convinced by all this "im just me,im above labels" stuff, it just seems pretty phoney and stuck up to me.thank you.pixie
"ooh theres a grunger, lets shout verbal abuse, we got nothin better to do innit"
"ooh im such a grunger, i wear black"
"ooh im so mature and superior since i grew out of my grunger phrase"
by Pixie January 19, 2004
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1. Made into a chibi.
2. Made into a chibi form.
3. Made chibi in general.
With that, Crystal chibified and grabbed her chibi mallet to whack her boyfriend into submission!
by Pixie December 6, 2003
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An affirmation concluding that the previous speaker is correct. It is usually pronounced as 'true dat.'
Person 1: Man, this pron is fucked up!
Person 2: True dat! Her nipple is green!
by Pixie February 17, 2004
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1. An exclamation of joy or happiness. More than just fun.
2. A sarcastic remark.
1. You are going to the mall?! Sounds fun fun!
2. Oh joy. A math test. Fun fun.
by Pixie April 24, 2005
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The best possible friend in the world. She makes you laugh when you're feeling down. She is great at baking and doing hair. She never tidies her room. She is sweet and kind and very pretty. She loves animals, especially horses, and she is gentle and loving. She is also fun and playful and has a great sense of humour.
"She's such a taio"
by Pixie May 27, 2014
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The room of your house with the toilet in it.
I'm just off to the curling pit to have a big sweaty poo.
by Pixie June 19, 2006
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Aw man, last night I was having a great time, and then got charged with paula and now I'm going to have to pay this huge fine.
by Pixie November 16, 2005
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