28 definitions by Paul S. W.

A ski term for hitting the most direct line down the moguls
"quit being a wuss and hit the fucking zipper, ya pansy"
"but I can't, I'm too scared to ski the zipper line"
by Paul S. W. September 5, 2006
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for a man to kick/attempt to kick another man in the nuts, in front of a shitload of people, extra points if caught on film, it makes you a pussy ass bitch, term comes from Tyler Brayton of Oakland Raiders who attempted to knee Jeremey Stevens in the nads on monday night footbal
I can't believe he just braytoned that dude. Lets go beat the fuck out of him
by Paul S. W. November 9, 2006
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choking when under the spotlight, typically sports or pimpin
John has big gameitis he bags all the ugly bitches, but he's a fucking moron when he tries to mack on a hottie
by Paul S. W. November 8, 2006
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the one day dick cheney doesn't have to wear a costume and can just walk around in his natural state, as the devil
dick cheney, impersinating the devil 364 days a year, thankfully he gets to roam the earth in with his natural apperance as the antichrist on halloween
by Paul S. W. November 9, 2006
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to have your boss think that your doing a great job, but everyone else in the entire world realizes you're failing miserably, can be the start of your boss demise, term comes from Mike Brown and GWB after katrina
"Brownie your doing a heck of a job" Bush
Pete's a brown jobber, his work is crap but the boss loves him
by Paul S. W. November 10, 2006
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the correct hick spelling and pronunciation of fixin' to
i'm fixinta whoop you're ass
by Paul S. W. November 8, 2006
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1. to fail by mythic porportions
2. to colapse when in the spotlight
3. to lose like no one else can
4. to fail continusously over a long period of time
5. to snatch gut wrenching, heart stomping defeat from the jaws of victory
6. to choke
I can't believe that the lead actor forgot all of his lines in the play

I'm not surprised he cardinals everytime he's in the spotlight
by Paul S. W. October 19, 2006
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