42 definitions by Pablo

1. matt bower
2. a homosexual
3. ass pirate
Dont punch donuts you donut puncher
by Pablo March 8, 2003
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"Get to your knees bitch. I want a sooker."
by Pablo October 4, 2003
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Crude term meaning vagina, used in Northern Ireland
Shove it up yer doot!
by Pablo June 20, 2006
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The collection of fat between a woman's stomach and a woman's doot is called her solange..generally around the lower navel/groin area.
"Jesus, look at the size of that woman's solange!"

"Fat solange!"
by Pablo June 20, 2006
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The most lovely girl ever. She looks for every way to please you and adore you. She is generous to a fault.
by Pablo February 8, 2003
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the ass munch who sticks his jimmy stick up his butt hole
by Pablo February 13, 2003
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