115 definitions by PRwiz101

(n.) -- A writer or blogger who "trolls" in a multichannel, multimedia environment, trying to bait readers into a reaction that editors want to generate.
"You know, a true newspaper columnist might make controversial arguments or challenge common sense, but a trollumist merely provokes outrage in order to sell papers, draw links and capture increasingly scarce reader attention. I'm sick of them!"

-- overheard at a watercooler in Sydney, Australia, November 1, 2009
by PRwiz101 November 2, 2009
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(adj.) Once a woman reaches middle age and her formerly remarkable and youthful good looks have completely lost their edge, she develops an air of such utter harmlessness that she is no longer attractive to men. A woman is described as "avuncular" when she stops looking like a sexual entity and starts looking like her Aunt Betty.
"At my age, with my looks going into their middle-aged stretch, my nieces and nephews now look at me with wonder and refer to me as their 'avauntcular' auntie. I love it!"

-- Overheard when two middle-aged women were chatting near a watercooler at their office on Madison Avenue in New York
by PRwiz101 August 27, 2009
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The feeling that some men have when surfing the Internet, as if they cannot esscape the multiplying preponderance of boobs all over the place, from websites to blogs to spam.
"My girlfriend joked to me last night that my computer might be boobytrapped, but what I think she meant was boobtrapped, because, man, I am surrounded by boobs almost everywhere I go online."

-- Overheard at a water cooler at an office in Palo Alto, California
by PRwiz101 August 27, 2009
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