44 definitions by Option 22

In 1647, they tried to ban Christmas in Canterbury, England.

This led to the Plum Pudding Riots.

The Puritan government tried to cancel Christmas and insisted that shops be open on Christmas Day.
Few shops opened and the locals of Canterbury decided to play football instead with inflated pig bladders. The mob ripped through the streets of Canterbury paying particular attention to breaking windows. A game of football had turned into a full-blown riot. Plum pudding, mince pies and ale were enjoyed by most all.
Ban Christmas? Have you not heard of the Plum Pudding Riots?

Plum pudding with cream, spotted dick with custard, roly-poly with jam, gooseberry tart with ginger or hobnobs with chocolate?

Euphemism with sauce, please.
by Option 22 December 23, 2019
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The Central Intelligence Agency - Dick Pic Archive

Many electronic devices have integrated camera and video equipment. Once people become aware of the potential of remote-control access, they use black tape to cover the apertures. For those who do not or, at any time, did not take such precautions and were consulting adult only content while pleasuring themselves may be unaware that they may have records stored on the CIA-DPA.

The CIA-DPA has proven useful.
CIA headquarters, Langley

Agent Orange: “We have a problem.”
Agent Smith: “What’s up?”
Agent Orange: “They won’t accept our chlorinated chicken.”
Agent Smith: “We might have to go quite deep in this case. I'll bring up the files we have on John, Tony, Gordon, David, Terry, Boris and er….while I'm at it, Jeremy as well, just in case.”
Agent Orange: “That looks like a lot of data to me.”

Chuckling and fits of laughter are heard coming from the CIA-DPA office.

Agent Orange: “Oh my!!! What was he watching?”
Agent Smith: “BBC II.”
Agent Orange: “David Attenburgh?”
Agent Smith: “Not exactly!”
by Option 22 August 25, 2019
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Power structures are often described as pyramidal. Within Nature, patterns are repeated and repeatable. One such sequence was described by Fibonacci.

0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1597…

Fibonacci power levels are best demonstrated by example.

The entire British population is represented by 650 Members of Parliament who sit in the House of Commons. The closest number in the Fibonacci sequence to this number 650 is 610. No doubt as this system evolves the number will likely tend towards the optimal 610. In terms of power level, 610 is quite somewhere along the Fibonacci sequence. 610 is the 16th number in the sequence. Even if the first two power levels are ignored as they are not human, that would still make 610 the 14th Fibonacci power level. This demonstrates what a sham a so-called democratic institution represents, as within an individual country, the people’s representatives confer at what must be considered merely an administrative level of power.

Following the Fibonacci power level upwards, it could be predicted that the number of members of the leading political party sitting in the House of Commons should hold a comfortable majority and consist somewhere near the 13th Fibonacci power level number of 377 shitting members.

The so-called cabinet consists of the Prime Minister and 22 ministers. This is close to the 7th Fibonacci power level number 21 but even this is somewhat down the power level structure.
The conclusion has to be considered that this power structure comprising Fibonacci power levels does not represent the true power structure in operation. This is merely an administrative power structure that take orders from the true power structures that reside above them.

Whatever human power structure that resides above them though is somewhat obsolete as behind the individual with seemingly the highest power is another level. It ain’t God, it’s a fungus.

Bubbles: Did you tell the plebs to register to vote?
De Pfeffel: What is the point of voting? You are better off faffing up a wall.
Bubbles: But you are supposed to represent the people.
De Pfeffel: Ha! Ha! People merely vote FOR the system. They vote their approval for more rules, laws, restrictions, taxes, etc. Whatever politician or political party they vote for they are agreeing to further insectualisation and mind control.
Bubbles: But what do we give them in exchange for their votes?
De Pfeffel: Facebook.
Bubbles: Thank goodness for Fibonacci power levels. The plebs can direct their dissatisfaction towards powerless puppets. Let's bring back Spitting Image.
by Option 22 August 7, 2019
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Option 22 saves only your system data. It does not save any user data. Option 22 puts your system into a restricted state. This means that no users can access your system, and the backup is the only thing that is running on your system.

It describes the state that the effects of deep capture harassment has on a targeted individual.
Agent Smith: "Run Option 22"
by Option 22 January 30, 2019
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The Younger Dryas was the last ice age caused by a mile-wide iron meteorite containing iridium that hit the Hiawatha glacier leaving a 19-mile wide crater in northern Greenland. An iridium rich layer was spread over vast areas of the Earth that is now found in soil layers that links the date of this event to around only 12,900 years ago. The Younger Dryas period is so named after the alpine-tundra wildflower Dryas octopetala that first began to grow as conditions warmed up and its pollen can be detected in more recent soil layers.
Caveman Ug: When did that mile-deep ice sheet suddenly appear? It wasn’t there last month.
Caveman Ah: It was nice and warm until that bright fiery dragon flew across the sky and now it is cold enough to freeze a mammoth.
Caveman Ug: Put that fire out!
Caveman Ah: Why?
Caveman Ug: Because it will eventually lead to our extinction.

Naughty boy: Every 10 years for the last 50 years we have been taught that we have only 10 years to save the planet. Do we only have another 10 years? I looked at the global warming graph and it showed a steady warming of 0.4 degrees every 100 years during an interglacial period until Al stuck a hockey stick on the end. Then I looked further back in history at the last ice age and discovered the Younger Dryas. Now that is what I call climate change.

Teacher: Did you say younger dry ass? Now bend over…
by Option 22 April 22, 2019
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Vomocytosis is the cellular process by which a live organism that has previously been engulfed by a white blood cell is expelled without being destroyed.

Vomo” as in vomit. “Cytosis” as in a transport mechanism for the movement into and out of cells.
Billy GG: “What’s with this vomocytosis?”
Faust: “The controlavirus enters the body and the white blood cells vomit up T.H.R.U.S.H.”
by Option 22 April 23, 2020
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The first mysterious monolith appeared on 18 November in the Utah desert and disappeared on 27 November 2020. The second near the Petrodava Dacian Fortress in Romania. The third at the top of a mountain trail in southern California before it also vanished. The fourth on Compton beach, Isle of Wight, UK. Then a gold one in Chia, Colombia and another monolith appeared in the Kiekenberg nature reserve near Oudehorne, The Netherlands.

The mysterious monoliths were appearing everywhere.

A mysterious monolith even appeared in UD.
No convincing explanation for the appearance of these mysterious monoliths has been provided - though it has been suggested that the world's largest dot-to-dot is under construction.
by Option 22 December 7, 2020
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