44 definitions by Option 22

Borism - The transformation of elective parliamentary democracy to ruthless dictatorship in 5 stages:

1. The community taking over all the arms of government is always numerically tiny.
2. The creation of a nationwide campaign of fear or terror.
3. When people are badly frightened, they are extremely gullible. They will believe whatever they are told. Figures are cooked, statistics cobbled, research stultified, to endorse the death-is-everywhere message.
4. The assurance from the tiny group that they and only they can save us from a horrible fate, but only if we all abide by and obey a tidal wave of rules and regulations - no matter if these destroy the nation we once knew and loved. Fear, deliberately inspired fear, rules supreme.

There will always be dissenters, who must be dealt with.

5. Creation of a sort of secret police to spy, pounce and punish.
Broism, not Borism!”
by Option 22 October 2, 2020
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1. Metamorphosis is a transformation as by magic, sorcery, the supernatural, etc.

2. Metamorphosis is a marked change such as that of a caterpillar into a butterfly, a tadpole into a frog, or a grasshopper into a locust.

3. The Metamorphosis describes the inception of human civilization from hunter-gatherer.
1. “The metamorphosis of a Kafkaesque life story into magic realism running in parallel with a limitation of conscious awareness and cognitive dissonance was the blueprint for determinism”, pondered Gregor the ant.

2. The solitary grasshopper was rubbed upped the wrong way and just a single cell began to produce serotonin that via quorum sensing led to more serotonin and the metamorphosis into a gregarious locust.

3. Fast Forward.

Yoda: Troubling you what is?
Grasshopper: Master. Among the locusts, the grasshopper procrastinates and does not thrive.
Yoda: Seeds to grow on the way the path you cannot control but leave.

Grasshopper: But master, chaos reigns.

Yoda: All grasshoppers once living the hunter-get life we were. Evolved to be locust swarms of hate on social media we have. Yes, hrrrm.
Grasshopper: Tune in, turn on, drop out of social media?
Yoda: Both ways and the locust turns into the grasshopper, the metamorphosis works.
by Option 22 November 1, 2019
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"Fac quod dico, non quod facio" is Latin for "do as I say, not as I do".

It is often recited in any 1 of the 30 bars in the House of Commons.
Binge-drinkers' brains have to work harder to feel empathy for other people in pain.

Cicero: "The more laws, the less justice."
Potbelly Hillbully: "Fac quod dico, non quod facio."
by Option 22 September 29, 2020
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We used to eat our fish and chips off a newspaper until we found out how toxic was the ink
by Option 22 May 22, 2020
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1. Activating Transcription Factor 4
2. A greeting between those able to perceive mind control
3. Agents of The Fungus 4 (insectualization by mind control)

When the military industrial complex was invited into everyone’s home and now life 24/7 through the internet and use of social media, the Agents of The Fungus 4 insectualisation and mind control were able to accelerate the insectualisation process. Beware the so-called “influencers” with common purpose. Agents of The Fungus 4 insectualisation and mind control are the most controlled in their behaviour by the fungus and thereby most controlling of the general population. They are programmed and have evolved to create the hive (NWO).

None of our closely related primate cousins have evolved beyond the similarly relatively small hunter-gatherers family groups that humans entertained before the insectualisation process was initiated when the human acne bacterium first appeared around 15,000 years ago. Certain fungus/yeasts/moulds are super charged in contact with the acne bacterium to provide protective biofilms from within DNA mutating chemicals can be released. The DNA mutating chemicals include tryptophol that is genotoxic. Tryptophol is produced by the fungus from tryptophan that is normally converted in the body to produce serotonin. The production of serotonin that is toxic to the fungus is therefore controlled. Manipulation of the reward-based brain chemical serotonin is an essential tool for mind control.
1. Activating Transcription Factor 4 can be compared to the flaw in the design of the Death Star.

Inhibition of ATF4 is the key to targeting cancer. Inhibition of ATF4 burns cancer cells out as proteins accumulate and levels of glutathione fall. Naturally occurring ATF4 inhibitors can be found as protective agents in the skins of fruit, in vegetables, roots, herbs, spices, etc. and prevent moulding. ATF4 inhibitors are not only anti-fungal, anti-cancer, etc. but burn up fat cells, stop age-related muscle loss, and slow down general aging processes. In order for the insectualisation process and hierarchical ordering of the human species to continue apace it is important that the species is under absolute mind control so that they do not perceive the DNA mutation processes in operation. In humans, these processes result in cancer, autism, transgenderism, homosexuality, depression, schizophrenia, etc. that as the insectualisation process accelerates will become more commonplace. Further random DNA mutation processes will be accelerated by environmental exposure to various chemicals found in, especially and including, alcohol, smoking, make up, packaging, upholstery, palm oil, pollution, etc.

Naturally occurring ATF4 inhibitors include curcumin, resveratrol, tomatidine, ursolic acid, etc.


Skull: “ATF4”
Bones: “ATF4”
Spock: “Curious”.

3. Agents of The Fungus 4? Directed by Satan.

by Option 22 August 6, 2019
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At the end of 50 years of FIAT fantasy hypernormalisation since the dollar left the gold standard followed by perpetual war and the CIA petrodollar, it was decided that a new financial system – codenamed Phoenix – would arise from the ashes of the old. To provide stability, the new financial system was cryptocurrency-based but backed by any number of precious and rare Earth metal-linked algorithms.

This system was supported for those above a threshold value of social credit score and members of T.H.R.U.SH. who were given a free pass. T.H.R.U.S.H. = Technological Hierarchy for the Removal of Undesirables and the Subjugation of Humanity.

For those below the threshold value of social credit score, a less stable cryptocurrency was in operation that used algorithms linked to a collective of individuals’ own social credit scores. This cryptocurrency was known as BitShit. Once in BitShit, it was nigh on impossible to escape the absolute control of the social credit score system although this fantasy was perpetuated in order to promote the system (the BitShit dream).
Squelch: “I put a used tea bag in the general waste and not the recycling bin and I have been banned from public transport for three days. Not only that, but I can’t buy tea bags and my credit score dropped by half a point.”

Slap: “That’s nothing. I had bad thoughts about our glorious leader and now all the activities in this apartment are being live streamed on Channel X.”
Squelch: “Am I live now?”
Slap: “Yes.” (Waving)
Squelch: “How do you get out of this one?”
Slap: “I was told that I would be allowed out if I invited a known associate over to the apartment who would then take my place...and I get bonus BitShit.”
Squelch: “Yay!”
by Option 22 June 9, 2020
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In order to maintain a safe distance from others, people were conditioned to raise their arms in front of them. When everyone shuffled around with their arms raised in front of them, the advised level of social distancing was maintained. In lockdown, only a few social distancing zombies were out and about.
I took my handkerchief out to blow my nose and the social distancing zombies scattered.
by Option 22 March 26, 2020
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