41 definitions by One Eyed Milkman

A type of homosexual who is a raging butch and likes hard core, brutal sex. Loves to catch bunnies (i.e. soft, effeminate homosexuals) by pretending to be gentle and sweet.

A bear loves nothing better than fooling a bunny that he's all sweet and then, BLAM!, that bunny is never quite the same.
A bear loves nothing better than fooling a bunny that he's all sweet and then, BLAM!, that bunny is never quite the same.
by One Eyed Milkman May 31, 2004
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1. a non-religiously offensive exclamation of suprise

2. my former name with which i posted definitions on this site
1. "jebus christ! that's 7 inches long!"

2. "jebus christ! that's 7 inches long!"
by One Eyed Milkman March 24, 2004
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