79 definitions by None

Can also refer to a particular type of Hand-Blown Glass smoking pipe. Usually one-of-a-kind, very intricate, and typically quite expensive.
(Other spellings: headdy, heddy...)
The price of headies, is usually quite excessive.
by None October 28, 2003
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The WASP went to the country club everyday and only wore Ralph Lauren.
by None November 4, 2003
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when a guy wants to get a girl embarrased by telling you that he wants to fuck you
Alec(the man whore): i wanna pop your cherry!
Montana: me too!
Alex: don't forget about me!!

you know what? just shut up!
by None February 14, 2005
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1-The real defonition of gotic is:
of, relating to, or having the characteristics of a style of architecture developed in northern France and spreading through western Europe from the middle of the 12th century to the early 16th century that is characterized by the converging of weights and strains at isolated points upon slender vertical piers and counterbalancing buttresses and by pointed arches and vaulting;
2- A time period involved with midivila times.
3-Gothic is often mistaken for a person that asociates themselves with darkness by wearing black, painting there nails balck, dying there hair, creative colors. In realty, these "gothics" are normal, they just dislike being the same or "following the crowd" so they separte themselves by being different.
3-Susan, oh my lord susan dear, get little george away from the man in black, he might put a curse on our little angle, come on susan before the gothic does somthing.

Taylor, look at that gothic girl that just came out of hot topic, like she had on all black, and did you see her nails, like she so needs a pedicure.
by None February 28, 2005
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Meaning yes or Yeah. Surfers and skaters mainly use this.
Surfer 1: You goin surfing bra?
Surfer 2: Like totally,Shaw!
by None January 4, 2005
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A term in new york commonly known in the rest of the country as a pizza.
"what are we going to have for dinner?"
---"Lets jus get a pie"
by None March 13, 2005
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1.Wanting to be a govonator
I just want to govarn!
by None November 20, 2003
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